Lay Down Your Burdens Part II

Apr 18, 2010 19:57

Here we are. The time has come to finish up the second season and I couldn't be more thrilled that a) I've actually gotten this far in my project and b) the season, which had some uncharacteristically weak episodes, has ended on such an incredible high note.

Seriously, you should see my notes. I jot down notes on the sticky notes that Macs provide and I have one gray note that I've expanded to be the length of the screen and about a fourth of the width and every time I watch an episode, I type out my thoughts and after I hit every point in my reviews, I delete the corresponding notes (with the exception of the survivor tally, because I need to know how many are lost episode to episode). Normally, a really good episode means I fill up the screen with my notes.

For Lay Down Your Burdens Part II I filled up two screen length equivalents. Yes, my young cylonites, this is going to be a long one. So, please, get comfortable and hop over the jump.

1) Lay Down Your Burdens Part II begins with 49,550 survivors, nineteen less than Lay Down Your Burdens Part I. I have no idea where all those losses came from. Two deaths can be attributed to two raptor crew pilots who jumped into a mountain range on Caprica. Presumably, they had least two marines on board, so that's four altogether. Maybe the others were killed in the first cylon fly by?

2) Due to the extreme nature of my notes, I'm going to go chronologically because if I go thematically or by character as I sometimes do, I'll get lost in the sticky. I'd fear for my life!

3) You may remember that Chief beat the crap out of Cally in LDYBP1 and we learn that she had to have her jaw wired shut by Doc Cottle and the left side of her face is pretty torn up. Still, I was hopeful that her jaw injury would shut her up a bit, but no such luck.

Cally tells Chief that she forgives him. Unsurprising, since she's totally in love with him.

4) Back on Caprica, Kara and Sam make a homocide pact. They agree to kill each other if the cylons send over non lethal weapons to block them out because Sharon, extra creepy since being told her daughter was dead, let them know that it was likely the cylons weren't trying to kill them all because they wanted to interrogate some of them and they wanted to send the others to the farm. And Kara will not go back to a farm.

5) Meanwhile, on Colonial One, Laura is just not having a good day. Baltar and that frakking planet are getting the fleet in a tizzy. How much do I love hearing Laura use the word "frak"? And how much do I love that she apologizes for her language just as soon as she says it? This is just about the most undone we've ever seen Laura. She rarely loses her cool.

6) Big Reason I Love Tory More Than Billy: "There's always a backup plan for victory." Would Billy have ever fixed an election for Laura? No. His moral guidelines were too strict. Tory, on the other hand, is much more ambiguous in her morals, and it's not even because we barely know anything about her. Does she recognize that electing Baltar would be disastrous for the fleet? Yeah, probably, but she might just be blindly loyal to whoever she works with. Either way, she's a total badass.

7) Well, it turns out that the reasons the cylons stopped firing on the rescue and resistance teams back on Caprica were because they decided to leave. No, like, really leave. As in, end the occupation of the colonies. Rad, right?

Except that Brother Cavill was down on the planet with all of them. And none of the know him!

But how weird was that part of the scene? He came out of nowhere and they all look surprised to see him but they also actually stop to pray with him, which was so odd. I was listening to the commentary for the episode last night and was happy that Ron Moore had the same issues with the scene that I did. It was always intended that Cavill was there and that they knew it. The actors just looked way more surprised than they should have.

8) Laura's secret meeting with Baltar is definitely one of the more intriguing scenes of LDYBP2. First, it's so great how covert she is, hiding in Adama's bathroom and coming out, almost lurker-like in the shadows.

She tricked Baltar there to talk about the planet. She says, "This issue transcends personal issues and politics." The truth of the matter is that settlement on that planet is, as she points out, the most important issue facing humankind, and the question of settlement deserves more than as a point on a political platform. Baltar, nicely enough, agrees with her, but isn't really willing to do as she asks and table the issue until after the election.

Laura's point is more than salient, but her timing is off. It just doesn't look good to go to your opponent because you're starting to lose points due to your stance on the issue your opponent is starting to gain with and then ask that you stop talking about that issue. It's just bad politics and Baltar can't be related with on a person-to-person level. He's just not capable of that kind of empathy or understanding. So, while he realizes the issue is the most important thing humans are facing at the moment, he's unwilling to let go of his political rallying point.

9) So, Laura confronts him about that "blonde woman" she saw him sucking face with back on Caprica right before the attacks.

Oh man, do I love that she does that. First of all, it puts Baltar off balance, which I like, because he just called Laura desperate and it doesn't matter if she was, it still bothers me. But it also puts Head!Six off balance, which is rare. Laura can't exactly prove it because she only saw it in her death bed visions, but Baltar had thought he was free and clear and had finally cast off most doubts and suspicions about his motivations.

10) But Baltar's whole demeanor towards Laura since Epiphanies has been really interesting. On one hand, he's completely disdainful of her because she bruised his ego and he has the emotional maturity of a hormonally raging teenage girl. Still, he obviously wants and seeks her approval. I didn't talk about it in my last review, but the look he gives after Laura tells him to go frak himself? Looks a lot like hurt, not triumph. This evolving dynamic will come into play a lot in the coming season.

11) The rescue team got off Caprica with remaining resistance members and the welcoming scene is really nice. Kara introduces Sam to her "father" and Adama's really cool, like, "Yeah, you're frakking my kid, but you're a pyramid player and that's cool. Even though you didn't play for the Panthers."

12) Oops! Brother Cavill's identity as a cylon is revealed by Chief. Until this very moment, it never occurred to me that Sharon would know Cavill was a cylon (I'm obviously paying very little attention). Sharon's motivations at this point are puzzling. She's obviously devastated over the loss of her child, but Helo's point is well taken that they had worked so hard to gain the trust of the crew members and Adama and she blows it completely out of the water. Helo's pissed at Sharon, but Sharon's pissed at everyone.

I don't really think that, deep down, Sharon wanted Cavill to come and do damage to the fleet, but, you know, at some point, there has to be some kind of quid quo pro. Sharon gives and gives and gives to the fleet but receives nothing back.

13) Meanwhile, Starbuck and Sam need to get a room. And Lee needs to leave that room.

14) Funniest moment in the episode? "I'm not a frakking cylon. I'm not . . . oh. Alright then."

15) Boomer and Caprica!Six convinced the cylons to give up their occupation of the colonies and to cease their pursuit of the colonial fleet. Brother Cavill was tasked to go and deliver the good news. Unfortunately for him, he and the other Brother Cavill (who Chief spoke with and how was praying with Laura earlier in the episode) were ordered out an airlock by our esteemed president.

16) Words cannot express how much I love that Tigh was helping Tory to steal the election. I don't think Tigh and Laura have ever exchanged pleasant words up to this point, so he must really not want Baltar to be president.

I also like that Dee is assisting in the fix. As I talked about in my review of Sacrifice, I'd really love to know what the relationship was like and is currently like between Dee and Laura so I find it very interesting that Dee is so heavily involved in the fraud. Though, she did also help Laura out in her escape from the brig earlier in the season.

(Whoa! Laura was in the brig in season two. And this episode also takes place in season two. How far we've come from that moment in such a short period of time!)

Though maybe I shouldn't be looking too much at Dee's involvement. It would seem as though a lot of Galactica crew members were helping to fix the election with the exception of Gaeta, who is always the only one left out.

17) One of the coolest things that happens after Laura is declared the winner, is that Baltar just sits and accepts it, though her improbably comeback in the eleventh hour is seriously suspicious. Apparently he thinks well of Laura after all because he tells Tom that, while Laura may be a lot of things, she's not corrupt or dishonest.

And she's not corrupt! Dishonest, sure, you could make a case for that, but corrupt? Nope. Well, for, like, five minutes after the election, but that doesn't count.

18) Someone needs to shut Gaeta up. Seriously. Isn't he the one who almost ruined Laura's escape from Galactica? And now he's saying the election was fixed? He's so annoying, what with thwarting Laura's attempt to lie and cheat.

19) My favorite exchange of the episode:

Adama: You tried to steal the election.
Laura: Yes, I did. And I got caught.

She doesn't even try to deny her way out of it. Have to respect that.

20) Laura's voice cracks talking about Earth. Kobol, the Arrow of Apollo, the Tomb of Athena, the map to Earth . . . It was all real. And she knows that if Baltar is president, they'll never get there.

Say what you want about Laura Roslin. I know that I can be a Roslin apologist and that I may not take her to task as often as I should. But how can anyone deny that she was chewed up and spit out by a fleet that has no sense of loyalty or any kind of long term memory as to what she's down for them and sacrificed for them. She basically went out with very little support and proved that the scriptures were based in truth. She found the mythological landmarks that weren't supposed to be there. How can they just disregard that?

21) I also wonder if Laura's health played any kind of role in the outcome. She was supposed to be the dying leader, but was saved and is now healthy. If Laura was still dying, would the people have so quick to give up on Earth for New Caprica? Would they have been more reverent about Laura's sacrifices if she were still dying? A healthy Laura does them no good. I can't help but think many people regard her health as a betrayal.

22) I think that, on one level, Adama is right about how Laura would have dealt with stealing the election. Laura's an honest person and she's normally morally upstanding and, over time, doing something so against her instict may have consumed some of her soul. But I think she would have learned to live with it, too, because she really does believe that Baltar as the president would be the worst thing possible for the fleet.

(Though it should be said that she picked him as her vice president and had anticipated his ascension to the presidency a couple months back when she was on her death bed. Baltar's political ascent is attributable to Laura in a few different ways, unfortunately.)

23) Gina's not going to go to New Caprica with Baltar. Instead, she's just going to blow up the Cloud 9 with Baltar's nuclear bomb.

But I was not happy that she allowed Baltar to sleep with her. I don't think he deserved it and she looked really scared about the whole thing.

24) Something tells me that Baltar's presidency is going to be a diaster.


26) Gaeta now works for Baltar. Wow, Felix. You have an excellent instinct with people. Not.

27) Galactica is nearly empty and the same could be said for the Pegasus. They're both working with skeleton crews. Also, in an attempt to look more like Edward James Olmos, he now has a mustache.

28) Adama basically forces Tigh to muster out and go live down on the surface. Tigh, not wanting to end his epic bromance with Adama, refuses, but eventually has to go. Ellen is appropriately excited.

29) We learn that the population of New Caprica City is currently 39,192, which is 10,358 less people than the fleet had at the beginning of the episode. Some of those people are still up in the ships, but I kind of doubt that many are. Obviously, they're also missing the people who were killed on Cloud 9, but that number is not a good sign.

30) Starbuck got married! To Sam! And she's happy to see Ellen and Tigh at the union meeting. Wow, must have been some year.

31) Meanwhile, Chief and Cally are married (excuse me while I go yak) and she's pregnant with his child. He's looking very sexy with his beard and glasses, though, and very cool as the union leader. I support his proletarian ways.

32) Laura's the teacher and I really love getting to see her in an actual classroom environment with her students. Maya her either her assistant or her co-teacher.

The one issue I have with this scene? Laura assigns the students chapter ten in their history books. And what is chapter ten? The history of the twelve colonies. Damn. All of that in one chapter? That's ridiculous, Laura. Ridiculous.

33) Oh, I also think that Isis looks too young. She's more than a year at this point. I don't know too much about babies, but I've seen video of myself at eleven months and not only was I adorable, I was also way bigger than Isis and I was just pre-toddle. And yeah, I was premature, too (five weeks) so even by that standard, i feel like the comparison is helpful. Plus, she's half cylon. Shouldn't she be really hardcore?

34) Sam's sick and Tigh advises Kara to contact Lee on the Pegasus to get antibiotics but the two are barely on speaking terms. Tigh tells her, "That was a long time ago", referring to something that happened between Starbuck and Lee in the past. Wow, must have been some year.

35) Holy frak. Lee is now fat. And married to Dee, but he's fat. Wow, must have been some year.

36) Also, Dee's now a lieutenant. Last I knew, her title was "Petty Officer", whatever that means. I assume she's Lee's XO. You remember Lee. He's fat now.

37) Just when you thought it was safe, the cylons are back and Galactica and Pegasus are in no shape to put up any kind of fight. Fat!Lee is right and Adama is right to order their escape because the people on the surface only have a shot if they can plan a rescue for a later time.

When Adama says, "We're leaving. But we'll be back", I always get chills.

38) Now that the cylons have invaded, Leoben's first priority (and I have no idea how he got on the surface so quickly and managed to easily find the Anders/Thrace tent) is to find Starbuck. That can't be good, right?

39) Baltar offers an unconditional surrender. I have more to say about this but I think I want to wait until a later episode to address it. Don't throw garbage at me. We don't yet know the consequences of Baltar's surrender, so I'll wait until we do.

40) Here's my question though: Brother Cavill told Laura and Adama that the cylons had decided against occupation of the colonies and that the cylons were going to go their separate way from humans. Basically, he was telling them that the war was over.

So why are they occupying New Caprica? They were a light year away from the planet when they picked up the residue of a nuclear explosion on their machines and that lead them to the planet. Were they looking for the humans? If so, why? And why invade now, after you'd decided the genocide of the human race was a mistake?

I guess we'll find out.

41) My favorite all time line from Kara, responding to a question from Chief:

Chief: What do you want to do now, Captain?
Kara: Sam thing we always do. Fight 'em until we can't.

Oh yeah. Things are about to get interesting.

And there it is. And I'm just thrown back with the awesomeness that was Lay Down Your Burdens Part II. It was an hour and seven of purely great television and it entirely shifted the whole path of the show. What's going to happen next? When we come back to the third season, what will we find? I think the only thing we can count on for sure is that it's not going to be happy. I am so incredibly excited to get going and see where this arc takes us, so I think you see this next part coming: I'm giving Lay Down Your Burdens Part II 5 out of 5 airlock.

i'm a teacher too!, battlestar galactica, zomg anders is hott, baltar is crazy, cylon party, laura roslin is fabulous, 5 airlocks

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