Aug 02, 2007 01:42
It's already! Summer is pretty much almost over. That's both good and bad. I need to get back into the classroom...get back into my routines. Mostly, I need to wake up at a decent time and go to bed at a decent time. On the other hand, there's still shit I gotta do in my room and that kinda stuff probably won't get done by the end of the month.
I was soooo looking forward to Summer '07. I had predicted it to be the best summer ever. Not so much... It hasn't been "bad", but my expectations haven't turned out like they were supposed to. I guess I was too passive in June and July. Just sitting around the house, not getting out much. August is gonna shape up to be awesome though.
Plans for August, er rather this month, include:
~ Yankees game
~ North Carolina OBX trip
~ ProjektRevolution w/Linkin Park
Pretty sweet events this month, hells yeah.
Also hope to squeeze in an AC trip or a SixFlags/Dorney day this month as well.
So things that didn't get done this summer:
~ more than 1 Yankees game (planned on going to 3)
~ road trip to somewhere...anywhere (ideas of Virginia Beach, places up North)
~ longboarding
~ beating several PS2 games
~ joining a softball summer league
The great thing about this summer has been not working. TRU the last 2 summers, and working at that industrial plant 3 years ago. Getting some extra spending money is always nice, but my checking account is satisfactory and I haven't gone crazy this summer with splurging, so I really don't need to work.
I should really get up to my school at some point...I bet it's all cluttered with boxes and shit. :\
Birthday was last month...nothing special, as I predicted. Hung out w/Mayo, had dinner, watched the Yanks beat the Jays, and played some pool. 23 years old...where has the time gone. Ya know there are some Yankees that are younger than me. :P Melky's 22 I "think." Phil Hughes is 20 or 21, ridiculous man!
Wasn't this a movie with Jim Carrey??? It was either the number "3", "9", or "23". Pretty sure it was 23.
Anyways...where am I going with this? The number "23" does have a lot of meaning for me. Read these names below:
~ Michael Jordan
~ Don Mattingly
Yes they just so happen to be 2 of my all-time favorite athletes, but they both wore the #23 on their jerseys. They are 2 of the most successful athletes in their respective sports. I'm hoping that this year (from now till July 2008) will be successful for me. It's a big year for me. This might be my last year living at home. In terms of teaching, year #2 is very important. You're expected to contribute more and be more professional than your first year.
OK, time to wrap this post up and move on to a new one.