Nov 06, 2014 22:42
Having Churg-Strauss has made my life an adjustment from the moment I was diagnosed and even before I was. I am 39 years old and over those 39 years I have had 25 surgeries to repair or supposedly make things easier or better for me. Next week I must undergo yet another one. The who upper inside of my mouth need reconstructed. The disease is destroying the maxilla, the muscles, and the teeth. All of my teeth in my upper mouth must be removed. I am mortified. I will have to have fake teeth. I know its not that big of a deal because lots of people have dentures but the thought of losing all my teeth and having all that reconstructed to try and save the bone and muscle scares me. How did it get this far even with all the medicine? I know modern medicine cannot do everything but I cannot help but question why. The pain had been getting so bad recently that they had to look further and it was worse than we all thought. I guess I would rather get it taken care of and maybe lose some of this pain than to continue to live like this. I mean it wont help my leg muscles but at least something in my life would stop hurting. I throw up a lot anyways due to disease but this has been worse I have only been able to eat soups, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, and other soft foods. I am thankful though that we will be getting this taken care of. Its going to cost us another small fortune, but how else can we keep the hospitals in the US in business here? HA! Anyways, a week from tomorrow I will be going under the knife for a 26th time. I hate it, but if its going to help I will do it and I am thankful for it.
Today I am happy and thankful for the doctors who want to take care of this and to help me get better. I am also thankful they want to get it done immediately so I can eat Thanksgiving dinner in a few weeks! :D