30 hour famine

Jul 29, 2007 21:05

Well, this past weekend I participated in the 30 hour famine. The following is my novel, or well my recollection about what happened.

We were all to stop eating at 2pm. This was a hard time to start for me, because I work with kids, and we have an afternoon snack @ 3. However, seeing as it was ONLY 1 hour into the Famine, I was fine! I ran back home to get my camera (didnt take many pictures...:(..) and my opening devotion (seeing as I forgot both things at home). At 6, we all met at the church, anc we just chilled until 6:30. We then found out we were going to be seperated into 3 Tribes....Karmel, Mudi, and Ladi. We all had new "names"...AKA children who are helped through World Vision. Anyway, each child had a "disability" for the Famine participants (Blind, had HIV/Aids, mute, had to carry a bookbag full of books...etc). We had "Tribal Games", where we HAD to wear/use our disability.

We had our Juice Dinner, and then I led the first devo, then played the first Tribal Game entitled, "Profile of a Child Soldier". We had to listen to a story and then run to answer a question via writing down the answer and runing back to the tribe. Ladi won that game and Mudi came in second (both got "food and water cards").

We then played a NON tribal game, but we still in our tribes, called "Corn Holes".   We played double elimination style. The Youth Pastor and I won our first 2 games, and then lost a close game 14-10(playing to 11). We then basically had to win out for our tribe to win the "Survivor Card". We won the rest of them...we HAD to play the team that beat us the first time, and we won 11-1, then the tie breaker was CLOSE, until I hit 2 "3 pointers" in a row and won the tourney.

We then had our 2nd devotion about "Temptation". Around 12am, we were told that we were sleeping outside in cardboard boxes. We all rushed around and made our "homes", and then went to sleep under the stars.

Around 5am, we were told we could come inside, because it was chilly. We were SUPPOSE to wake up at 7:30, BUT we all slept in until 9:45...WHOOPS. We quickly had a Juice Breakfast and then went into the bad part of Portland, and did Trash pickup for about 2 hours. When we got back to the church, the pastor allowed us to have a little...no a lot of down time, because we worked REALLLY REALLY hard.

We then watched "Pay it Forward" as our movie, and then we were going to have a can food drive, but it was raining BAD. We then played a pass a long story game, and then we played "Hide Out". This game contained 3 "seekers"....one from each tribe. These seekers had to find the other tribe members from the other 2 tribes. Madi continued their dominance by winning both games....haha.

We then got ready to go to the Wayside Soup Kitchen. This was the LAST "punishment" for the participents. We served food to the homeless for 1 hour. I belive there was about 100 + people there. The meal consisted of ham, yams, salad, and dessert. By the end of the night, it was meatloaf, pasta (wth lobster), corn, and fruit cocktail.

On the way back to the church, the kids were buzzing about the food...PIZZA. However, what they didnt know is what was in store for them. When we got back, we had communion. Then we went upstairs to the gym to have THE MEAL....UNIMIX. As we were eating, I shared that we raised $1187...3 kids for an entire year fed, and one kid for a little more then 3 months...however, I was told that 2 people didnt have their packets, so we put the total to $1300.... 3 kids for an entire yr and a 4th child for more then 7 months......

i MADE AN OPEN CHALLENGE TO THE YOUTH PASTOR. HE SAID THAT WE COULD RAISE $1000. I SAID THAT IF WE RAISED MORE THEN $1000, THEN SOMEONE COULD THROW A PIE IN MY FACE. This will be down NEXT Sunday, Aug. 6th.  The question is how many pies will be thrown in my face......I think 10-11....YIKES...this will be messy...haha


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