Jan 02, 2006 16:47
Directions : take the first sentence of the first post of each month, and the last sentence of the last post of each month, and combine in chronological order to create you own review of 2005.
-I am back at good ole CUAA for my 8...count them....8th semester.
-No offense to CUW in this post(LOL)
-this is just to show off my new icon.
-I guess since other people have done it, I will too, BUT if people start jumping off bridges count me out
-If I forgot any quotes, PLEASE let me know Mission Team
-My new dog....one who doesnt do anything wrong
- I am ready
-I went totally insane.
-May you find resolve in your problems, and that you and enjoy your summer.
-As the countdown nears a closer......
6 days till my 23rd BIRTHDAY:D
7 days till I go to MAINE(1 weeek from today I will be in Canada...going to Maine
-Will keep you updated when I find time to update, like I did today.
July(only 1 post in this month):
-Not much to update.
-Should be fun.
-WOW......HOW can a summer go by that fast?
-What do you all think?
-Click here.
-Thus again, the roller coaster of emotions have gone from happy, to sad, and back to happy again.
-hmmm, what do u think about that color.
-Throw your own party at the Hallomeme!
Nov(again 1 post):
-Since my last REAL entry(Oct 24th)....lots has happened....l
-Have a GREAT rest of the break all
Dec(1 post AGAIN):
-( Read more... )
-This is the clean version....