Thank you!

Dec 26, 2008 00:19

Someone gave me a polar bear and a very sweet holiday wish!


It's just adorable, and so nice of you.

Thank you, Anonymous Gifter!


You are very cool.

When I  saw the bear, I checked out my virtual gift history, and I realized that I may have forgotten to thank other gifters, in the past.  For that, I apologize.

I'd like to take the moment, now to thank you.

I see that, when my cat, Marble, died, I received a virtual hug and a rainbow.  Both of those gifts were very appreciated at the time.  They DID help me to feel better.  I don't know that I ever thanked anyone for them.  So, I apologize for not thanking you beofre, and I thank you now.

I  also see that, on October 21, I received a daisy.  (I'm not too sure WHICH October 21, whether it was 2007 or 2008...)  I don't know that I thanked anyone for that, either.  So I'd like to apologize, if I DID forget, and thank you now.

I love my flist.  You all are The Flist of Awesome.

Thank you!

virtual gifts

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