So poor Aria is sick again. January, the week after her birthhday, she had strep with a strep rash and a horrible stomach virus. She then towards the end of February had a upper respiratory infection that would not go away. Well yesterday she started coughing again. Last night she came into our room and was up coughing and complaining of a headache. She was running a fever. She was up three times. This morning she was cranky and clingy still feverish. I took her to CVS Minute Clinic and was informed that they will not treat respiratory illnesses in young children. She spiked a fever of 104 and the nurse on call said she needed to be seen today. Off to Acute Kid Urgent Care to get her checked out. Not the flu or strep again. Another viral respiratory infection. Fun times! I think we will be at our pediatrician sat some point Monday.
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