Stolen from Kate!

Feb 04, 2006 23:59

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says.

There are endless tracts of wild and crinkled sierra to explore, as well as some spectacularly rugged stretches of coast between the beaches.  (it's a travel book about Spain from our bookshelf in this room)

Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?

Our printer

What is the last thing you watched on TV?

Property Ladder

With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
TV.  Brad is watching Dr. 90210 because he was shocked by the little "lead in" where his wife said she weighed 88 pounds.

When did you last step outside?
About 5 minutes ago~ we went grocery shopping LATE since it's super bowl weekend

Before you came to this website, what did you look at?

My Gmail

What are you wearing?

Comfy gray lounging pants from VS and an OLD red t-shirt that I got as a little girl when my Dad was in the Navy (it has all this stuff about his squadron on it and it used to be my nightshirt when I was a little girl)

Did you dream last night?

Yes,  and I have no idea what about.  But, I woke myself up because I pressed my fingernail into my left cheek so hard I left a half-moon shaped mark.  I have never done anything like that so it seems really odd to me.  :o(

When did you last laugh?
Downstairs while we were unloading groceries because I was joking around with Brad and told him to "Piss off" and he thought I said something else and was totally flabbergasted.  When I explained I had said "Piss off" in a british accent to amuse him he felt much better!

What is on the walls of the room you are in?
UW Husky crap.  Everywhere.  The walls are a nauseating yellow and the ceiling is purple.  This room will change.  Soon.

Seen anything weird lately?

At Safeway there were all these high school age kids wearing the weirdest stuff.  We're talking fishnet stockings with a bright red thong on underneath (no skirt), a boy in a micro mini skirt, etc.  It finally occurred to me that the Admiral theater right by us must be showing the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" tonight since they usually do that one Saturday a month.

What is the last movie you saw?

Batman Begins from Netflix last night.

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?
A big fat fabulous vacation for ourselves.  All this rain has me aching to go somewhere tropical.

Tell me something about you that I don't know.

Maybe you know this, maybe not.  I have thick hair.  Really thick hair.  I get it thinned out every time I go to the hairstylist and my hairstylist always has to allot double the normal amount of time for a haircut or any other treatment for me and I tend to break a brush or two and several hair bands a month.  Ugh.

If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?

There is so much that needs to be done.  I think I would start with making education available to EVERYONE all over the world.  If the whole world had access to an education they could work for the better of their country, work towards solving huge issues such as hunger, disease, etc.

Do you like to dance?

I have to agree with Kate~ only when I'm drunk.

Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
I change my mind all the time about this.  I used to love all names ending in bella (Isabella, Annabella) but they seem way to popular now.  So, I've recently started liking the name Cecily or Cecilia.  I've always thought I would give my first little girl the middle name "Noel" which was my best friend in middle school's middle name (she was killed by a drunk driver 5 days after we graduated from high school).

Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?

I always loved Jackson but with the last name Johnson that would be silly.  I like Parker, Duncan, Lucas, Tobias

Would you ever consider living abroad?

Yes, but not for a super long time because I would miss my family and friends too much!



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