[ video ] ◇ the fifth ◇

Nov 21, 2011 21:19

[ A disgruntled teenager glares at the screen. Despite the younger face and lack of fancy dress suit - Ianto is not entirely unrecognizable. The look he gives the SFC is very much him. His accent is also a tad thicker than it was. ]

Being a teenager was frustrating enough the first time. Thanks, but I have absolutely no desire to relive that point of my life, 'specially not here.

[ Sigh. ]

But I know it's not gonna be a permanent thing and at least 've got my memories for now.

Has anyone seen Jack Harkness about? I haven't seen him since this began.

[ And well. He doesn't know what age he is. Or what he looks like. Or if he remembers anything. He lapses into silence and flicks the SFC off. The feed cuts with a mumble that sounds suspiciously like "I need a smoke." ]

where : vatheon, cursed

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