Today, I have Soy Dream, a soy-based ice cream made by the same people who make Rice Dream, which I gave a bad review, I’m afraid. But maybe their soy product is better! They didn’t have mint chip, so I have French Vanilla. It costs $3.99 for a pint.
Soy Dream French Vanilla
It has 140 calories, 70 of which are from fat, and 11 grams of sugar, which is very low for an ice cream. It’s sweetened with cane juice and brown rice syrup, so no corn syrup in this. It’s interesting to me that while a lot of the yogurts I tried had corn syrup, few if any of the ice creams have.
Soy Dream French Vanilla Opened
This one looks the most like regular ice cream, texture-wise, and it has very little scent. It is also very hard and difficult to spoon out of the container.
It’s a little soy-heavy in flavor, but not really offensive like the Soy Delicious. It’s not as good as the WholeSoy or Purely Decadent soy ice creams, though. It has a little of the frosting flavor I’ve mentioned some of the soy ice creams have up front. It doesn’t taste very vanilla and has a slightly bitter aftertaste. Still, the texture of this one is pretty nice and probably the most like a really high-quality dairy ice cream of the soy products I’ve tried. It seems like it just needs something to spruce it up and a less plain flavor might be good! It honestly grew on me more on subsequent tastings.
And now I have a special treat! My other ice cream tonight is Tempt, which is the only Hemp-based ice cream on my list. I’ve had hemp milk a few times, but never hemp ice cream. This will be interesting. It’s $4.79, so a touch more expensive than the other ones, and it comes in mint chip.
Tempt Mint Chip
It’s 170 calories, 80 from fat, and it has 10 grams of sugar, the lowest for all the ice creams I’ve tasted so far. It’s sweetened with agave and the chips are dairy-free chocolate. Oh, and that agave? Is actually lower on the list than the chocolate.
Tempt Mint Chip Opened
Opening the container, wow! This is like a galaxy of little chocolate bits. Seriously, tons of chocolate. It is very hard and a little frosty but it smells very minty.
I am torn on the flavor. It is pretty sweet in spite of the very little sugar in it, and it sort of tastes like sweetened envelope gum a little bit. It is pretty minty and the chocolate is good but very sweet- the chocolate could do with a little less sweetening in it. The texture is good although it is pretty hard and needs to be chewed a bit more than most ice creams before it melts. It also seems like it has that very chocolate-heavy top layer but a lot less chocolate as you get farther into the container. All in all, it is not bad, though.
It’s pretty good ice cream, but I don’t know if it’s worth spending nearly a dollar more on. However, if you prefer hemp products to dairy or other non-dairy substitutes, I would definitely recommend giving this one a shot!
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