Whenever this one is over with I'll post the results for this one
and my last one with explanations.
Now, because they are so addictive and fun, here's [Tea's] Movie Meme, Part II. And I think everyone should keep doing this. Really. It occupies my break time on campus. Rock.
1. Guess the movie from which the quote comes and the speaker, if possible.
2. I'll post your name under it when all have been answered.
3. Then I'll explain why I picked that particular movie to quote.
1. "Our passion play has now at last begun. Past all thought of right or wrong. One final question; how long should we two wait, before we're one? When will the blood begin to race? The sleeping bud burst into bloom? When will the flames, at last, consume us?"
Phantom of the Opera. [Christine Daaé]. known by
yorkiegurl, and
2. "They will say that I have shed innocent blood. What's blood for, if not for shedding?"
Candyman. [Candyman]. known by
3. "You know who I am? Toby N. Tucker. Everyone round here calls me TNT. You know why?"
"Let's see... they're not very imaginative?"
"'Cause I'm just like dynamite. And when I go off, somebody gets hurt."
U-Turn. [TNT and Sean Penn's character]. known partially by
4. "Mocky-Lock is the boogeyman, Mocky-Lock wants me where I am!"
"Mocky-Lock is a pain in the ass."
The Cell. [Miriam and Catharine]. known by
maxface and
5. "I expected more from a Scot."
"I don't expect anything from an Englishwoman."
6. "Oh Lordy, pick a bale o' cotton. Oh Lordy, pick a bale o' hay. Gotta jump down, spin around, pick a bale o' cotton. Jump down spin around, pick a bale o' hay."
Girl, Interrupted. [Janet]. known by
7. "What... like the back of a Volkswagen?"
Mallrats. [Various]. known by
threthiel9, and
8. "A man hasn't any idea what his soul looks like until he gazes into the eyes of the woman that he's married to. And then, if he's any kind of decent human being, he spends the next couple of days throwing up. Because no honest man can stand that image."
9. "You must think the whole world is queer."
Gods and Monsters. [Clayton Boone]. known by
10. "He's the blouseman. You're screwing the blouseman. Jesus, Pearl, why not screw the dressman? At least then you'd get a whole outfit."
A Walk on the Moon. [Marty]. known by
eisyel, and a struggling
11. "You're insane!"
"I thought I was a Pisces!"
12. "Who is calling at this hour? It's barbaric. I was dreaming about my mother's sausages." / "Jews want their rabbis to be the kind of Jews they don't have the time to be."
"Yeah, and Catholics want their priests to be the kind of Catholics they don't have the discipline to be."
Keeping the Faith. [Father Havel / Rabbi Jake and Father Brian]. known by
13. "A compliment for us, is a compliment for you!"
Singles [Eddie Vedder]. was known by
ravieslave, my personal prose junkie goddess, and
moose_y, a fellow obsessee of the Jam and all its wonderful components.
14. "Congratulations, on a scale of one to ten on the perversity meter you just hit a seventy three."
15. "These matches are disappointing me!"
16. "That was so fucking money. That was like the Jedi mind shit."
17. "I got waylaid by the sweetest Swedish Lapphund who kept me up half the night, and I'm afraid I'm still in bed!"
"You sure do get way laid."
Down with Love. [Catcher Block and Barbara Novak]. known by
eisyel, and
18. "Mankind, probably the most mysterious species on our planet. A mystery of open questions. Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? How do we know what we believe to know? Why do we believe anything at all? Innumerable questions looking for an answer, an answer which will raise the next question and the following answer will raise a following question and so on and so forth. But in the end, isn't it always the same question and always the same answer?"
Run Lola Run. [Narrator Guy]. known by
19. "I will eviscerate you in fiction. Every pimple, every character flaw. I was naked for a day; you will be naked for eternity."
A Knight's Tale. [Chaucer]. known by
threthiel9, and
20. "It vexes me. I'm terribly vexed."
Gladiator. [Commodus]. known by
__kaleidoscopic, and