Video: 'Bodie and Doyle Gimme Your Love'

Apr 14, 2023 12:59

I found this music track to be an irresistible scaffold for a 7Os/Pros-y adventure, however it didn't lend itself to shortening, so it ended up being a little longer than the projects I usually take on.

Playback tip: For best viewing, be sure to choose the 1080p HD setting on the Youtube player. (Click the settings wheel, click 'quality')

For now, this is an 'unlisted' video, which means it can be viewed via my archive/journal/fan comm posts, but not through general internet or YT searches.

Title: 'Bodie and Doyle Gimme Your Love'
Vidder: zzebeddy
Relationship: M/M
Characters: Bodie/Doyle
Rating: Not rated
Proslib: Yes please ...will send.

Disclaimer: I do not own the show, characters or music. The music track is 'Gimme Your Love' by Morcheeba.

image Click to view


fanart: videos, genre: slash, pairing: bodie/doyle

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