Pro's Challenge Obbo 336: Shadows

Mar 06, 2018 17:24

Title: Shadows
Author: Merentha13
Pros-Lib / Circuit Archive: Yes
Pairing and / or characters: Doyle/Bodie
Rating: everyone
Word count: 100
Warnings: apparent alliteration abuse
Disclaimer: Just borrowing the lads, no copyright infringement intended

Collapsing behind a large kiln, Doyle watched quiet shadows move along cinderblock walls - dangerous silhouettes stalking silent spectres through the dimly lit warehouse. Flickering light from overhead fixtures glinted off target seeking weapons. His captors and his rescuers entangled in a dangerous dance.

The question was - who would find him first? The bullet in his side kept him from running.

Gunfire from the far end of the building had the ghosts scattering.

All but the one who stood over him.

“Tut, tut, Raymond. Skiving off are we?”

The cheeky bastard. “Waitin’ for you.”

“I’m sorry. Cowley-”

“Hey. Thanks.”

challenges: weekly obbo, character: bodie, character: doyle, genre: drabble

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