Title: If She Were My Girl
Pros-Lib / Circuit Archive: No thank you
Characters: Bodie, OFC (Lisa, who got a brief mention in Takeaway as the dead girlfriend), Doyle
Rating: Adult, for concepts not explicitness
Word count: ~5000
Summary: Set just before Take-Away. Bodie's having a hard time staying objective in this undercover, with all the wrong instincts driving him.
Author's Note: May offer potential squick, as there is a sexually active yet underaged girl central to the story. Though if it helps at all, Bodie is just as squicked. Far more about his paternal/protective instincts than any allusion towards forbidden desire.
It was odd, thinking of Cowley's pot stashed in the inside pocket of his jacket, of Cowley's sanction to deal to kids, to do - whatever it took. Bodie was generally at ease with the idea of whatever it took, fight fire with fire, etcetera, at least when it was about trumping violence with violence.
But there were times when he couldn't help but think, most firefighters used water, for fuck's sake.