Fic: Six letters that changed Ray Doyle’s life, by Vic

Sep 18, 2010 00:53

Title: Six letters that changed Ray Doyle’s life
Author: Vic
Pros-Lib / Circuit Archive: Yes
Pairing and / or characters: Doyle and Bodie/Doyle
Rating: Teen
Word count: 900 words
Warnings: None
Summary: A look at 6 letters that marked a change in Ray Doyle’s life over the years.
Notes: This idea came to me mid-meeting this afternoon and I thought I would see if I could just quickly sneak in under the deadline for the weekly obbo. I just failed but thought I would post anyway, so let’s call this inspired by the weekly obbo challenge: letter.

Click to read the fic at my journal

genre: slash, rating: teen, character: doyle, pairing: bodie/doyle, fiction

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