A Year of Surprises 9

Jul 04, 2012 15:07

Pairing: UKUS

Rating/Warnings: M for language, sex, mpreg, and angst

Word count: 2625

Summary: Nations in times of prosperity are capable of reproducing. Of course there's a problem with this: when they do go into heat it doesn't stop until they conceive. This is the story of America's first pregnancy.

Chapter One


In some ways, the long winter nights were the best times. England sat in his favorite armchair, working on knitting a blanket for the baby. America lay on the ground next to the fire with some new book England had bought for him when he was last in town.

"You do realize your back is going to hurt once you get up. If you can get up."

"Nah," America said, stretching briefly before returning to his curled up position. "I'm comfy like this."

England rolled his eyes, "Suit yourself."

He looked back down at the little blanket and sighed. He still had a long, long way to go and it was starting to get late.

He was about to yawn when America rolled onto his back and said, "Gettin' tired, England?"

For a moment England lost his tongue. He looked so beautiful like that, flat on his back with his stomach sticking out and that happy expression on his face. England didn't know what to say or do, so he relied on his first instinct.

"How would you know? You haven't even been looking!"

America laughed lightly, "Nope, but we've been stuck together for so long even I'm starting to pick up on this stuff." He traced patterns absentmindedly on his belly, "It's not like I have much else to do."

England pursed his lips. America was such a free spirit, it must have been hard for him to be kept inside, separated from his people. It would have been better if he could have gone outside, but the snow and cold kept that from being an option too. "We'll think of something," England finally said, "If nothing else, we're nearing the end of winter. The snow should start melting in a month."

"Yeah, but that's so long."

England set down his little blanket and tried not to smile. America didn't know how lucky he was. At least he had England to talk to.

"Well, do you have any ideas?"

"Actually," America said, sitting up, "I've been thinking about-" But then he suddenly stopped.

"Yes? What is it?"

"Um, could we sleep down here tonight?"

"That's all?"

America looked as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, "Well, it's a start."

"Where do you mean to sleep, though? The sofa is only big enough for one of us."

"When I said here, I meant here," He said, patting the rug he had been laying on.

"On the floor?"

"Why not?"

"We're both going to be dreadfully sore tomorrow."

"So? Sore's better than bored, and you can bring down all the pillows and cushions."

England sighed and stood. "I'm going to regret this."

America smiled triumphantly, "Bring the sheets too!"

England just rolled his eyes and went off to strip the bed.

By the time he came back down, America had already taken everything soft he could from every piece of furniture on the first floor. He lay spread-eagle in the middle of a pile of cushions he'd amassed in front of the fire, clearly comfortable.

"Proud of that, are you?" England asked

"Mmm-hmm," America hummed without opening his eyes.

"Well, budge up. I have to put the sheets on."

"Oh fine," America said, standing and getting out of the way.

England busied himself tucking the corners of the sheets under the pillows on the perimeter to try to keep their sham of a bed together. He felt America's eyes on him and started to feel warm. He shook his head. America had seen him a million times in a million more compromising positions. Why was he suddenly feeling embarrassed? He looked up to meet America's eyes. The look he was giving England was almost predatory and that combined with the way America was currently towering over him made him slightly uneasy. He wasn't used to being beneath America. He left the rest of the blankets to the side and just stared.

America got down on his hands and knees so that he was on England's level. England suddenly felt a lot more comfortable. "You look so cute crawling around like that," He said, nuzzling him.

"I'm not cute." England huffed.

"Of course you are." He kissed him, "But I don't have to say it if you don't want me to."

England huffed, but kissed him again anyway.

"You're beautiful like this, you know," America said, brushing a strand of England's hair behind his ear, "Rolling around on the floor in front of a low fire."

"I am not rolling!"

"Well, we can fix that." In spite of the size of his pregnancy, America pounced on England and forced him down onto the cushions.

"Why you-!" England grabbed his shoulders and pushed him off.

With a laugh, America sprung again, shoving him over once more. England retaliated again. He wanted to be angry with America. This was no way to be acting, especially in his current state. What if England accidentally kicked him in the stomach? What if the exertion forced him into incredibly premature labor? But as the game wore on and America showed no sign of any pain that smile and laugh began to win England over. He was quite thoroughly enjoying himself by the time he managed to pin America properly.

"I still can't beat you, can I?" America asked breathlessly.

"You still have a lot to learn, boy." England said triumphantly.

"Well, since you won you get the prize."

"Prize?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah," America closed his eyes and leaned up to kiss him.

"That's all I get?" England asked when they pulled apart, "One little kiss?"

"Nah. You also get to stay up there as long as you want." He lifted one knee to nudge England's groin, "If you know what I mean."

England flushed bright red but tried to cover it with a smirk. "I would love that, darling."

America rolled his shoulders, "Come get me, then."

England quickly began to work on undoing America's waistcoat. "I'm going to have to take this out again," He muttered as he worked the strained buttons over America's belly.

"Yeah, our little girl's getting nice and big, isn't she?"

"Still sure it'll be a girl?" England asked, kissing America's stomach.

"Hey, I'm the one whose insides are getting pulverized on a daily basis."

England chuckled, "Of course, dear."

After that he began to slow, reverently undoing every button on America's shirt and trousers. He was so lovely now, big and heavy with child and still so needy in spite of it. Oh, and he wasn't even close to done growing yet. There were still three months to go. Christ, it almost made England hard on the spot thinking of how big he would get. He focused instead on the current America and the way he was mewling and writhing on the ground, completely bare before him.

"Careful not to undo this lovely bed you've made."

"Quit teasing me." America said, frowning and whacking him lightly on the shoulder. He shivered, reminding England that he had yet to remove a stitch of his own clothing.

England stood and began to tear at whatever he could reach.

"Hey, come on! Give me a show, baby."

"A- a what?" England asked, willing to let the pet name slide for the moment.

"Like I said, show me what you've got!"

"W-where did you get this ridiculous idea? You haven't been talking to France behind my back again, have you?"

America shook his head and smiled, "Nah, I came up on this one all by myself. I wanna see you take off your clothes for me. Nice and slow."

Slightly confused, England began to carefully undo his buttons one by one. America lay back with a satisfied smile on his face. Well, as long as he was enjoying this… England continued like that, in spite of how cold he was getting. Well, America always used to tease his nipples until they were hard, maybe this would turn him on more.

The thought drew England's eyes to America's chest. His nipples had gotten so big and dark recently, almost brown in color and the flesh beneath them had grown stiff. He wondered if America was making milk yet. He wondered if when he closed his mouth around one of those beautiful brown spots and sucked he'd be rewarded with a little something more than America's groans.

He shook his head slightly. Why was he thinking about this? It was wrong! For God's sake, that was what his baby would eat once it was born! But, oh, there was something so oddly arousing about the idea: America stroking his hair as he sucked ever so gently. He looked back down at his partner and found him staring at England's groin, which, to his shame, had begun to react to his imagination. He was glad America didn't know what he was thinking about.

The good news was that he found a much less disgusting reason to be aroused. America was stroking his cock now, slowly working it up to full attention. His face was flushed and he was biting his lip, desperate not to make a single noise. England could barely take it.

Thankfully, he didn't have much further to go. He peeled his hose off and then tore his shift away. After that, he was back on America, kneeling over him and devouring his mouth with his tongue and teeth. England felt more than heard the deep groan America let out as he threw his arms around England's neck to pull him closer.

"Do you have any slick?" England asked when he pulled away for air.

America bit his already red swollen lip, "No. Do you?"

England shook his head, "But there is more than one way to skin a cat, as it were. He turned around and backed up until his cock dangled over America's mouth. America gasped as he realized what England meant.

"You mean that we're going to-?"


"People do that?"

"Yes. You might want to take a minute, though. I'll start and you can try to follow me, alright?"

"Alright." America said as he wiggled excitedly.

England took a deep breath and soothed America's hips down as well as he could with the child in the way. He was rather out of practice, and the way he would have to reach down over his belly didn't make things easier. Still, somehow he managed to bring his lips to America's erection. He gave the head a light kiss before flicking it with his tongue. America stiffened and gasped beneath him. England got a more secure grasp on his thighs, so that when he ran his tongue along the vein on the underside he could savor the way those strong thigh muscles tensed and shook with pleasure.

He felt a light touch on his own cock and knew America was starting to reciprocate. Well, enough games, then. He took a deep breath and took as much of America's cock into his mouth as he could. America screamed against his cock, the vibrations shaking England to his very core. He ignored them as best he could and began to suck in earnest, bringing one hand up to pump what he couldn't fit. At least it wasn't hard for him to keep his mouth nice and wet. America was long and thick and hot and he tasted magnificent, just the right level of musk to be arousing but not heavy enough to disgust him. There was also something else to it, a little bit of feminine sweetness that most likely came about because of his pregnancy. He moaned happily. That earthy salty taste was absolutely fantastic. England began to work his tongue all over America's length, hoping to get more of that taste, more of that feeling.

Suddenly, America's head came up like a snake's and he swallowed England's cock. He took too much at once and choked a bit, but God did it feel fantastic. Still England had the decency to pull away to ask if he was alright. The fact that America was back on his cock before he bothered to answer was good enough for England. America wouldn't stop moaning around England's cock either. It was so good that England couldn't help but groan in reply, which only made things worse.

Oh, it wouldn't be long now. He cupped America's balls and began to bob his head up and down, hoping to not seem terribly unpracticed. However, America caught on quickly and copied him.

Shit, for someone who hadn't even known about oral sex twenty minutes ago, America was awfully good at it. Oh, England would have to teach him so many more things to do with that mouth. But maybe this was enough. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. He wanted to bury his nose in America's pubic hair, but he couldn't fit that much into his mouth. What he could get would have to sustain him. It was good that America smelled every bit as fantastic as he tasted.

England worked his tongue up and down America's cock, desperate not to be the first to come. Thankfully, America obliged him, shooting his load into England's mouth right on time. England swallowed and placed his head on America's thigh so that he could finally sink his nose into that coarse hair.

He was so drawn in by the scent that he forgot to tell America that he was coming. He felt himself spill out. He swore his orgasm was just going to keep going and going until he was nothing but an empty bag of skin. He certainly felt like it as he rolled off of America to catch his breath. He was limp and lazy and perfectly sated.

After his muscles began to realize they were still fully functional, he turned and crawled back up to America's level before collapsing beside him.

"Hey England?"

"Yes?" England asked, opening one eye. He saw white all over America's face and sat bolt-upright. "My God, I'm so sorry!"


"I-I'll get a rag to clean that up."

"Don't go." America said softly, "I like it when you stay here after we ma- after we do it."

"America, I came all over your face. I should have-"

"It's fine. I actually like it." He ran a finger along his cheek, picking up some of England's seed, "It means I'm yours, right?"

"Yeah. It does. But it's degrading and-"

"-And who else is gonna see it but you. I don't feel degraded. But if you don't like it," He smiled lewdly, "You can always lick it off."

England sighed, "Alright, come here."

He began to do as America instructed. He had never been too fond of the taste of seed, especially his own, but he would do it for America.

Once he was satisfied that his partner was clean enough, England pulled away and lay his head back down.

"H-hey England? I never got to say what I wanted to say."

"Oh, I'm sorry, what is it?" He opened his eyes and looked at America.

America took a deep breath, "England, I love you. I mean it. If there was only one nation I could spend time with for the rest of my life, it would be you."

England was taken aback. He had never expected America of all people to come out and say something so powerful so plainly. All he could do was smile and say "I love you too."

He leaned forward to close the gap between them and splayed his fingers across America's belly. Right then and there, on the floor if the sitting room, he made a vow to himself that he would never, ever let himself lose America.

Next Chapter

mpreg, fics, america, fills, england, ukus, smut

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