Strange livejournal weirdness encountered

Oct 01, 2011 01:52

This is what happened and how I learned to fix it:
- saw lj contest on halloween headers
- went to see if can customize my journal to use these headers
- played around with the menus for customizing my journal's layout
- saved option to always show the livejournal ribbon at top of my journal
- found it looked weird so went to change it back
- refreshed my journal and saw that dates on my entries where gone
- click ? on date & time format fields to try and understand what needed to go there to get dates to work
- couldn't figure out the problem
- did web search and had hard time finding out what was problem (found out that tranquility II layout communities all quiet)
- took plunge and tried the reset to defaults button, and see what was supposed to go in those fields
- reset got date back to normal
- saw that reset set the date & format fields to values i already tried
- when tried to change my mood theme back from default to the nekos, saw that date screwed up again
- after playing with the reset several times, hit me that rest is setting fields to value either than what's shown
- searched online some more and somehow (and luckily) notice use of %% when setting the date
- found this site,
- copied // into date format field, and seemed to work
- since i don't like this format, i wanted to find out how to change it
- thinking it was like PHP, i tried PHP date variables but they didn't work to give me the full name of the day
- went back to site i found earlier, and did a Ctrl+F in browser on % to highlight all its uses
- saw . , (tested it on my journal and found out dayord gives the th,rd,etc in the day e.g. 23rd)
- googled "dayord" and found this site:
- skimming down i then saw examples showing what keywords i can use to change the format
- currently using: %%da%%. %%month%% %%dayord%%, %%yyyy%%
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