been absent from the net for a week.inbox wasnt nearly as full as i thought it was. rofl
welcome back
deense to sydney. good to see you tonight.
hugs to
ozgenre and
piratenoir well. things have been changing a lot.
i have a freakin job! im just a phone monkey in the city 6 days a week.but its a job and its money.
i moved. i now live with friends in im slowly getting even closer to the city. i will live in the city one day. actually, we, meaning me and mark. =)
here's the plan for birthday celebrations tonight.
if you want to come help me celebrate my birthday, meet me at the century at 7/7:30 tonight. we will drink and hang and stuff for a while and get into the swing of things. then we will head off to die maschine and cause havok. if you want to tlak about tonight or just wish me happy birthday and stuff, contact me on 0415 749 454.
and no, i am not at home right now. went to blink last night. hung out with everyone. quite a few people wishing me happy birfday just after midnight (thankyou guys!). anyway, ran into
miss_porcelain at the end of the night with mr
the_sikness. well after blink closed we went to the iguana to have a drink and chat.
now we are sitting in
miss_porcelain 's place just chilling.
and im supposed to do a shift a t work this afternoon starting 1pm. rofl! im going to be a little screwy methinks. lol.
so yeah.
im getting older now.
to YOU, i love you more than words can convey.