AnimeNEXT '10 Picspaaaam

Jun 22, 2010 14:36

I has pictures from the Con!

My Grandma actually has a better picture of the full costume. lol

C'mon and FIGHT me, Piper!! Bring it ooooooooon like Donkey Kooooong!

"Pretend like you like each other... sorta."

Nolan-verse Harley and Modified BTAS~ We met in the bathroom checking our makeup. 'Twas DESTINY!


She herd u liek hur.

"Being bad never felt sooooo good." --World of Warcraft Succubus

Full Succubus costume, me posing lol

"How about a little fire? There! Now you're hot AND bothered!"

Wait for it... Wait for it.....

My present to above bad parker: "EPIC FAIL PARKING. kbai" with Kara adding inappropriate commentary in the corner lol

My friend Mae Mae as Seth Nightroad (green) from Trinity Blood and her friend who was also cosplaying from that manga. Their costumes are made by themselves. Just AMAZING!!! Eeee!

People there got better pictures of me in both costumes. I'll have to surf teh interwebs to find some good ones. ^^

End picspam, kbai!

animenext, harley quinn, cosplay, batman

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