This week's culture round-up

Sep 25, 2011 22:08

First, some literature:

A list of 50 novels by African American writers

Flavorwire tells us that these are the 20 most iconic books covers ever . It’s interesting that most of the books on the list are books that middle-class adolescents are expected to read.   This is not to say they’re not iconic covers, just that someone with more mental energy than I have right now could probably say something about the politics of canon formation.

From the Paris Review, an article about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the Hound of the Baskervilles .  I was such a Sherlock Holmes fan when I was a teenager.  I couldn’t start reading The Adventures without going on to read the entire series. The Hound of the Baskervilles is not my favourite, but I do like its gothic atmosphere.

From Bonjour Cass, Books with LGBTQ characters that have been Banned/Challenged in the U.S.

A list of free online lesbian webcomics

And now a whole lot of science fiction lists:

The coolest spaceship designs in science fiction. I’m very attached to those Shadow ships from Babylon 5.

The biggest missed opportunities in science fiction and fantasy .  I totally agree about Star Trek: Generations and Captain Kirk’s death. What an anticlimax that film was.

10 science fiction and fantasy actors who make everything better.  I have to admit, the sight of Alan Rickman does tend to cheer me up .

This is an interesting one: 10 Totally Different TV Shows that Dr Who has been over the years

Meanwhile, science fiction and science fact collide as Kepler discovers a planet orbiting two stars

More astronomy, the 2011 astronomy photographs of the year
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african american, sherlock holmes, science, astronomy, dr who, literature, lgbt, science fiction, lesbian culture

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