I'm an Aunt! (And I'm sleep deprived!)

Jun 10, 2008 23:54

Can I tell you how much I love my new anti-seizure medication? We've had quite a stressful week around here, culminating in a very stressful day, and yet I've been pretty cheerful and mostly calm all day. I feel like the old me, before the zonisamide that made me the cranky mom from hell.

So, here's what I'm dealing with right now, because I just need to vent it somewhere!

We were woken up this morning by Sammy, who crawled in bed with us at 4:30 AM. I spent half an hour being squashed in the middle before giving up and waking up enough to put her back in bed. I went downstairs to get a drink, only to find that the reason she'd gotten up was that:

My sister in law went into labor today, at about 4 AM, and they had been calling us to ask if my husband could come and babysit my 3 year old nephew until his daycare opened. No one heard the phone except Sammy because we had a hepa filter running on high in our room, and R. left his cell phone downstairs to charge. My cell phone was in the room, but they didn't think to call me. R's brother showed up at our door with our nephew 5 minutes after I got the message- poor N had to drive herself to the hospital! Apparently she wasn't sure it was the real thing and didn't want to wake her son up and drag him to the hospital for no reason, but I still feel like a jerk for not hearing the phone. She did wind up having a C-section; both mom and baby are fine. (And she's awfully cute too!)

The hepa filter was running because we stirred up tons of dust last night moving furniture around. The carpet cleaners were here today, and did the whole house. I was up until 1:30 finishing as much as I could without blocking access to the shower, one potty and the refrigerator. (Do you know how hard it is to get ALL your stuff off the floor at the same time when you have carpet everywhere but in the bathrooms, the kitchen, and the entryway?)

The carpets were being cleaned today because R's parents will be here on Thursday, and their house is always immaculate. I cannot even begin to sustain immaculateness, but when they come to visit I like to put on a good show for a week. (Why yes, I did clean my room as a child by kicking things under the bed, why do you ask?) I suspect I'm probably not fooling anyone, but it's a handy form of spring cleaning; we'd never get around to doing most of this stuff if we didn't have a deadline.

My plans are being hampered by the fact that our washing machine is on the fritz- the last load produced a burning smell during the spin cycle; not a good sign. The Sears repair man is scheduled to come on Friday, but I'm hoping to find someone who can come sooner. (I did use this as a teaching moment though- I hand-washed a bunch of underwear and washcloths to tide us over, and had Sarah help. Then I told her it might be a long while before the washer was working and could she PLEASE not change her clothes three times a day?)

Sarah's been sick since Thursday. The only symptom, other than poor appetite, is fever- it swings back and forth from nearly normal to the worst being 104 on Saturday night at 2 AM. I took her to the doctor on Monday and of course she acted completely healthy while we were there. She said that if Sarah still had a fever tomorrow morning to bring her back in for blood work, which will make Sarah very unhappy; needles make her scream and hide behind things. I shall have to reward her with donuts afterwards or maybe during. I'm hoping it won't come to that though- last night her fever wasn't high and today her appetite was back and she had a lot of energy from noon until 4, but then she crashed until 9 and her temp was back at 101.4. I need to call her doc. in the morning, and her school to say she won't be there. The silver lining is that boy, can I ever get a lot done when I don't have to drive her to and from school AND she's too sick to make much of a mess.

Sammy's last day of preschool before the summer break is tomorrow. Any bets as to whether I manage to drop her off at 9, or at all?

Whew, I feel much better with all that out of my head. Thanks for listening!
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