1. Comment to this entry saying 'ICONS!' and I will pick 7 of your icons.
2. Make an entry in your own journal and talk about the icons I picked!
melengro asked about:
This is from a cover image of, I believe, one of the Rakkyo OST CDs. In the full image, Shiki is lying amongst a collage of tiny, blue tinted screenshots from the anime. I'm not sure if it was intended or not, but it seems to me to be a representation of the part of her that's connected to Akasha - since Akasha's supposed to contain the past, present and future of everything, and it looks like she is connected to all of the images surrounding her. Anyway... I cropped the image down to her face and made it all blue and shiny in Photoshop, adding a few brush effects here and there.
This is a shot from one of the final cells of the amazing Rakkyo doujin "Marionette Game." The story goes that Touko made a doll of Mikiya, and, after mistaking the doll for the real Mikiya, Azaka tries to trick Shiki with it. It doesn't work, of course. Touko tries it on them again, and Azaka still can't tell the difference, while Shiki can. In the panel that I took this icon from, Touko is suggesting that she make a Mikiya doll "from a naked model" next time. I'm not sure what compelled me to make an icon of her saying that, but she serves me well when I want to be playful. I think I was actually looking for iconable pics of Shiki, but the art was depressingly tricky to work with.
I made this from a screenshot of the ufotable website's chapter seven promo image. It was a rather dark image, and I tried to lighten it up to make things more visible. Sadly, it never seemed to work very well, but I still think this is a very sweet pic. It communicates a lot of the mutual affection that makes Shiki and Miki one of the most effective and believable couples in the ficverse.
From another chapter seven promo image (might even be the DVD cover, I'm not sure). I also modified this one in Photoshop, because apparently I just like monochrome. Originally I think I just liked how Shiki looks in this image. It's a kind of hard to describe expression, but she definitely seems to be... pleased by something. It's also a little ambiguous and unsettling because she's got the blood on her face, and if you know the context of the image then it seems as if she's quite happy to have just hacked a guy to bits. Perhaps that wasn't the original intent of the image (in fact, I'm pretty sure it wasn't), but the ambiguity is one of the things I like about it. It seems to hover somewhere between peaceful and jarring.
Ah, yes, well. This from a pic that was on either Engrish.com or Engrishfunny.com; I don't remember which now. It's a sign that was posted in front of someone's property, and when I read it, I thought it perfectly well suited to my more misanthropic, people-hating moments. So I made an icon of it for when I feel that way.
I modified this one very little. Since it's Shiki being cute, it doesn't need much modification. I took this screenshot from chapter five when I was surfing through the files in my video editor; I don't remember if I was looking for avatar material or if I just saw it and thought, "Aawww." Of course it's from the chapter five end bit where she asks Mikiya for a key to his apartment. Honestly, I think I did want an icon of this shot, because I always thought that Shiki curled up burrito-style in her bedsheets was the cutest thing ever.
Again with the Shiki X Miki fandom. I can't tell you how long I've considered these two one of the cutest pairs ever, because I don't remember when I started reading Rakkyo. I know it was a long time ago. There is something about them that sets them apart even from other TM pairs, whether it's because Shiki is cooler than all the other heroines or because Miki isn't as big a dumbass as all the other guys, or just because they work so well together or because their feelings for each other are so uncorrupted and believable... I don't know exactly. Probably all of the above and some other stuff I can't pin down. Anyway. I wanted to get this pic from a screenshot, but I actually found a desktop wallpaper that used it, and I just cropped that. Didn't modify any further in Photoshop, so all the yellow shininess is the work of the wallpaper artist. I particularly like this scene; it's a peaceful one, and from a part of the story that seems to summarize a lot of the nature of their relationship.
That is all. :D And now I am going to bed.