Do you have enough figurines...?

Jun 30, 2009 18:04

News from today: I registered to take two courses over at the technical college, so this fall, I'll be enrolled in school half time, and on my way to getting a web design certificate. Since the school transfers credits from the courses I took at Chester, I only need to take four classes to get the certificate. Not too bad.

Also, the figurine I ordered arrived, so after I got home I settled down to take some pics of my collection. Unfortunately my camera is still a cheap piece of sh&t, so most of the pics came out pretty bad. Still, here they are (the ones I didn't trash, anyway):

Arc and Ciel chibis:

These little ones are the hardest to photograph. I tried to get good shots of these things many times, but the focus kept going to the back. Eventually I gave up.



Caren again:

Ah, nothing like a figurine that makes you feel like a rapist just because you looked at it.

Caren again:

Ciel again:

Akiha and V.Akiha:

Dark Saber:

I confess to finding this figure very sexy from the back.

Ryougi Shiki:

If double Akiha didn't weird you out, how about this?

Ryougi Shiki again:

Check out that sexy blur action from the camera.

This is the new one that I just got today. Undoubtedly the most money I've spent on a figurine ever. She is a lovely one though.


This is one of those figurines that just begs you to look up its skirt.

Shiroi Len:

Len!! Behind you!!!


Saber, Caren and Ilya:

Blah blah blah you suck at lighting.


"Your food or your life!"


Saber and Gil:

"Hey little girl, want some candy?"

That's everyone. Except the one Rin figurine that I got blind packaged, that will never fit together without the aid of a hacksaw. Ho hum.

I'm very on the fence about selling any of these guys. I guess we'll see how I do selling the rest of the stuff I have.

school, rakkyo, type-moon, photos

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