YAGKYAS: Secret Santa Letter

Oct 22, 2013 22:46

Firstly, thank-you for stepping-in and pinch-hitting! Secondly, I am possibly the most easily pleased person ever. I love this fandom and would be happy to see any of the boys bantering. You could write a GK fic about the platoon from Mattis' or Godfather's pov and I'd be happy.

If that's too broad a scope, let me ramble a bit about things I particularly enjoy and maybe something might resonate. I put down Brad/Nate because that's pretty much my OTP in this fandom, but as far as fav characters or friendship pairings go, I love them all. Brad/Ray friendship fic is my happy place, particularly when they are sniping, cranky bitches who love each other like wow. Don't feel restricted when it comes to characters, every one of them is brilliant.

As for the quote, it's Christmas, I'm up for a feel-good sort of story. Hurt/comfort, angst like nobody's business is fabulous, but a happy ending is essential at this time of year or I'll be sobbing into a pile of gingerbread and that's just not a good thing. I chose the quote because it leaves things pretty open, friendship fic or romance fic, Iraq-war fic, future-fic, what have you. There's loads of interpretations. Or don't stick to the quote at all. That works. It's just a suggestion.

My wildcard was 'magic', I purposely didn't restrict this to any specific crossover or interpretation. I was going to put 'sixth sense' or 'supernatural' but figured these might be mistaken for the movie or television series respectively and I don't feel up to Bruce Willis wandering into this fandom, it would weird me out. Any magical element works. Animal transformation, magical bonding, randomly seeing the future, X-Men-type thing or a million other ideas. Or alternately, avoid 'magic' and go for 'espionage', or something else. That YAGKYAS suggestion about the boys in Jaegers? Yeah, that needs to happen.

Seriously, plots that would make me happy are pretty open here. I don't like m-preg, I don't like weird tenticly-mutations or genderswap but most other tropes are a go. Plotty fics are my happy place, character-development, romance/bromance, banter and snark and protectiveness. Hurt/comfort makes me gleeful.

Looking forward to your work,
Happy Holidays

diva notes:, !yagkyas

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