Title: Oblivisci
tea_diva Genre: Slash | AU-fusion | Magic | Romance
Pairing: Nate/Brad | Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete | Word Count: 16,234
Warnings: Schmoopy drama, possible misuse of the Latin language. Slight abuse of England (because Ray runs his mouth), possible corruption of Rowling's verse? Mild profanity.
A/N: Written for
yagkyas '12 as a pinch hit for
finite-farfalla who prompted: 'best friends and a love for the ages, be careful; don't die'. The wildcard prompt was for Harry Potter. This came out a little more angsty and a heck of a lot longer than I had initially anticipated. No knowledge of Harry Potter is required to understand this story, but I've tried to make it as compliant with HP canon as I could, within reason.
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction based on the fictionalized characters from the HBO miniseries Generation Kill. I do not own the characters or the series, or the book that inspired it; nor am I profiting from this in any way. I intend no disrespect to the real men on whom the book was based. It should go without saying, but I also have absolutely no connection to Harry Potter, movies or books, or to J.K. Rowling in any way.
Summary: The strength of a spell is magic fused with intent. Bind intent with enough magic and a spell can be cast even without a wand, without a single word being spoken; sometimes without the caster even knowing what he has done. People say all the time that you never forget your first love. Nate vowed that he never would. The question is, why did he?
AO3 ~
Special thanks to
amoama for the last minute beta-help!