YAGKYAS: Secret Santa Letter

Oct 12, 2012 13:15

Hello lovely YAGKYAS-writer,

Firstly, I will apologize for this letter, because it will likely be as frustratingly vague as my prompt. I did this intentionally because I didn't want whoever received the prompt to feel overly restricted by the requests and end up writing something they weren't happy with because they were trying to create something I would be happy with. Rest assured, I'm pretty easily pleased.

The pairing I requested was Nate/Brad (I think, I probably should have made a note of these things somewhere), and that is absolutely my OTP, a million hearts for the love, but don't feel obligated to write slash because gen is fabulous and appreciated as well. Bromance is something that I adore, when characters are looking out for one another, even when there are no romantic feelings whatsoever, being awesome friends. Snark/banter/witty reparte, imperfect characters, realism, couples that complement each other even in their flaws...I'm a hopeless romantic. Actions speaking louder than words is something I feel is especially relevant in this fandom (I don't see these guys walking around spilling about their feelings very easily).

Also, whatever characters I requested in general, don't feel confined because I love everyone from the series. Really. You can include Captain America bumping into Nate at a bar and reflecting on things, or Godfather's sort of birds-eye-view of the men in his platoon or something, that would all be brilliant. Brad and Nate (together or un-slashy) may be my favs but there is much much love for Ray Ray (who can not love him, I ask?) and all the others.

As far as genres, my inspirational quote was pretty vague on purpose because there aren't many genres I'd thumb my nose at just on principal. Absolutely no depressing character death, please! Angst is brilliant but please have a happy ending because I hate running around trying to find the tissues. Also, preferably no m-preg or genderswap (why mess with a good thing?).

Life post-Iraq, AU, sci-fi, pretty much all of it works for me. If it's got some lovely character insights/development, I will gush and squee and be delighted, if it's long and plotty I think I may cry with joy, but short fics, especially in this fandom (because lets face it, GK writers are kinda brilliant) can be exquisite in their understatement.

I hope this isn't too frustrating because I know sometimes the ambiguity of a request can be less helpful than explicit direction but really, I am pretty open and am ridiculously excited for this fest!

Looking forward to reading your work!
Thank-you in advance!

diva notes:, !yagkyas

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