...in which I'll probably forget to write about almost everything that's happened lately.
Both my choirs are back in session again, which is good. In NCS we're doing a mixed programme of Lamentation-type things, i.e., the Tallis Lamentations (both sets - quam dilecta), Civitas Sancti Tui by Byrd, Timor et Tremor by Poulenc (which I've yet to look at, but going on my previous experience of Poulenc it should be gorgeous), and some other pieces I can't remember offhand. At Wolfson we're doing an all-Mozart programme, including the Spatzenmesse and some other assorted bits, including the ubiquitous Ave Verum (which, apparently, I'm to adopt as a pianist -- meep!). Oh yes, and Fair Polyhymnia was about a quarter hour late to choir because of a lengthy rehearsal, so she had me lead warmups in her absence on Monday, which was also good fun... Or something. Was I ever glad when she finally appeared!
I've actually managed to combine geekiness and languages recently, first by doing a bit of proofreading for
Debconf (squee! Debconf!), then for translating some error messages for the Debian package that
womble2 has made of
simont's puzzles collection. It was just for one of the games in this case, but it was also into German, rather than into English, which is what I usually do. (As a rule,
womble2 is one of the *very* few people for whom I'll translate into German, before anyone even thinks of asking me to do so!) So, it wasn't easy, especially trying to make *short* error messages that actually make sense, and avoid the Du/Sie conundrum. Meh. All in all, I'm afraid it was a fairly quick-and-dirty translation, but hopefully it was mostly acceptable.
LEO is provident... I derived some amusement from a term I had to make up that is probably totally incorrect, but which pleased me nonetheless: Einzigartigkeitsspezifikationssymbol. Supposedly it means "uniqueness specifier". I'll believe it when I see it.
In other news, there's a new chocolate shop in Cambridge. I went in for a look, and just as I was leaving, a woman came in with a small child. The child exclaimed, with undisguised joy, "Oh! Chocolate!", and the woman said, "I know". I grinned at both their reactions, and went on my more-or-less merry way.