A work in progress

Oct 12, 2008 16:21

I thought about this yesterday, but forgot to start writing. Inspired by this (and this), I thought I'd make a list of things I love, and a list of things that are fun to do...definitely a work in progress, as it's hard to come up with a hundred things!

100 things that I love
(in a random order)
1. Cats raising their heads to meet your hand when you reach down to pet them.
2. Hugs by huggable people.
3. The smell of tea.
4. Creating.
5. Receiving mail.
6. Parking the car perfectly.
7. Trees in bloom.
8. Finding things washed up by the sea.
9. Getting a tai chi chuan application right - "winning" over someone bigger and stronger than me.
10. Mashed almond potatoes, and other comfort foods.
11. Food cooked by my dad.
12. Candlelight.
13. A glass of red wine with dinner on an evening when I don't have to do anything in particular.
14. Sending mail.
15. The moment when I step off the plane (or train) in a foreign place.
16. Trees that have a personality.
17. Taking a great picture.
18. Fresh bread.
19. Fika.
20. Blog comments.
21. Having cleaned (the whole apartment or just a room).
22. Reading texts that make me feel uplifted or stronger.
23. Getting someone a gift they really like.
24. Wrapping gifts.
25. Interesting yarn.
26. Stripy socks.
27. Finding random things from my childhood and seeing them in a new light.
28. Happy dogs.
29. Being warm after a bath or sauna.
30. Cafés with a friendly atmosphere.
31. Spring.
32. Coming home from the library with a stack of interesting books.
33. Discussing silly things in a serious way.
34. Discussing serious things in a silly way.
35. Laughing in bed.
36. Having overcome a fear or worry.
37. Oiling my cast iron pan.
38. Fresh fruit that's perfectly ripe.
39. Doing someone a favour/helping someone.
40. Turning grocery shopping into something creative.
41. Healthy houseplants.
42. Colours that go together.
43. Having a night off from things to do.
44. Walking barefoot.
45. Sunny mornings.
46. Reaching a goal.
47. Fireweed/rosebay willowherb.
48. Rivers and seas.
49. Recognizing/finding patterns.
50. Colours in order (like in a bead shop).
51. Staying in a hotel.
52. Foreign grocery stores.
53. Watching cats play.
54. Stopping at random places while travelling.
55. Analyzing objects.
56. Saturday mornings.
57. Being under an umbrella in the rain.
58. Entering the "cooking zone" - creating a meal rather than just cooking it.
59. Good hair days.
60. Comfortable underwear.
61. Being hungry in a good way and having good food within reach.
62. Maple trees and other "exotic" (to me) trees in fall colours.
63. Walking on fresh asphalt.
64. Spring flowers.
65. Making travel plans.
66. Knitting.
67. Watching TV shows back-to-back.
68. Falling in love.
69. Silence.
70. Trying new-to-me foods.
71. Nice dreams.
72. Friendly strangers.
73. Seeing the mountains on my way home from work.
74. Tai chi chuan in general.
75. Touch.
76. Uplifting music.
77. Finding random things in common with another person.
78. Beautiful design (of objects, houses etc).
79. Buying something that I've wanted for some time.
80. The first snow of the season.
81. Random sightings of animals.
82. Soft fabrics.
83. Comfortable shoes.
84. Losing track of time while doing something interesting.
85. Good quality chocolate.
86. Feeling beautiful.
87. Serendipity.
88. Coincidences.
89. Going to bed when I'm really tired.
90. Having showered.
91. Having enough money.
92. Expanding (mentally, not physically :-).
93. Unexpected humour.
94. Starting to read a new book.
95. Fresh bedsheets.
96. Thinking clearly.
97. Random compliments.
98. Laughing until I cry.
99. Old photographs.
100. The air just after a rain.

Fun to-dos
1. Knitting.
2. Baking.
3. Sending mail.
4. Making art/creating something.
5. Taking a bath.
6. Planning (and making) special-occasion meals for no reason
7. Going out for a fika.
8. Planning craft projects.
9. Cuddling the cats.
10. Completing something.
11. Walking in pretty surroundings.
12. Taking pictures.
13. Making tea.
14. Fantasizing about travels.
15. People-watching.

things i love, lists

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