friends only, 'natch.

Jan 01, 2030 23:59

99% friends only~

if you're looking for my icons, graphics and what have you, go to alura_borealis. (i post as wabisabii.)

also: i hold no responsibility to any damages done to your brain/sanity/mental capacity; if you can't comprehend what the whole George/House thing is all about, feel free to ask.

on a related note, COMMENT TO THIS POST if you want to friend me. i keep getting alerts of people adding me without a word then dropping me because i didn't friend back, all because they couldn't read this post and the previous note i made about commenting to be added. (god, it's even in my friends only banner.) seriously, if you don't comment, then i can't feel that you've been made aware of the fandom-fagging, crack crossover pairings and emo TMI/IRL things i post.

now, if i said to you in a comm/outsite website that we can be friends, then that's okay. friend away. ♥ [/update]

Blog crews:

'A Matter of Trust' always makes me think of {House George}

I Married [kishamaru] @ The Marriage Blogcrew ♥


The Beatles•[ George Harrison]

Yuugiou•[ Yami no Malik]

The Daily Show•[ John Oliver]

Harry Potter•[ Remus Lupin]

friends only, !sticky post, !public post

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