young Hannibal Lecter spam for picspammy, challenge #7: favourite character(s). part two of two. part one;
{favourite scene alert; massive spam ahead.}
"Do you remember 'Das männlein im walde', Herr Dortlich? Mischa loved that song... Let's sing for Mischa!"
{the following collected dedicated to Kathryn. she knows why. <3 }
"They're like us: they smell the others cooking, and still they try to sing."
"I love you." "What is left in you to love?"
"Yes?" "I came to collect a head."
and just 'cos i'm nice like that, i'll be uploading all of these caps in their original sizes (580x242) unedited to my photobucket, along with the ones i ended up tossing out for whatever reasons. i'll edit the link in later. C: