Batman, G, "Fathers and Daughters" by David Hines

Aug 09, 2004 15:22

Story: Fathers and Daughters

Author: hradzka

Man, I'm not going to be remotely coherent about this one; I can see this now. I just... damn. JIM.

There's not *enough* Jimfic in the world, okay? There just *isn't*. And really, that's a shame, because in a fictional universe like the DCU, GOOD DADDIES ARE HARD TO COME BY.

They just *are*, man. I have a lingering image in my mind of a line of vigilantes, superheroes, supervillains, and random citizenry coiling down from Jim Gordon's front door, down the block, around the corner, and well into the Atlantic Ocean, because, dammit, they all need some of that sweet, sweet, reasonably healthy fatherly affection. (Bruce, of course, keeps cutting.)

But that's beside the point. This is pretty much the *perfect* post-retirement Jim Gordon story, with a dead-on view on what his life *probably* looks like these days, and just... *thing*


It's warm, it's real, it's true, it's perfectly characterized -- right down to the ever-thorny issue of how to write Cassandra Cain's dialogue -- and I love it to bits, man.


Go read.
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