It started after - well, Ianto generally referred to it as the Zagreus business, for lack of a more socially acceptable term. That time Zagreus broke into my mind. The Doctor picked up Fitz and Ianto picked up the hobby of strengthening his mental barriers.
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Comments 13
He finds Ianto in his room and knocks on the door. "It's, ah, it's been a week," he says as he enters. "It it will have been in roughly three hours, I could come back later if you'd prefer."
"Oh, erm, right." He looks down at his diary, then up again. "Now's fine." He sets aside his diary and sits up, crossing his legs. He feels immensely unprepared, but then, he always does.
The Doctor tells the small part of himself that still doesn't want to do this that it is for a good cause, and without a word reaches over to rest his fingertips on Ianto's temples. Although he knows he probably should go rather full-force -- that was the point, wasn't it? -- he doesn't, and waits at the edge of Ianto's mind, barely bumping against it. Tickling, almost, or nuzzling.
He tilts his chin up and closes his eyes as the Doctor touches his temples, hmming in acknowledgment of the... pressure, presence? The Doctor is just there in a way that might be pleasant if Ianto's mind were made to have another in it, antagonistic or not.
If he felt inclined, he might point out that most anyone trying to do this to him wouldn't wait for an invitation. The purpose at the moment, though, is just to see if he can keep someone out and not to protect himself from unexpected intrusions. That'll be a while yet, he imagines, if ever.
He attempts a non-verbal acknowledgment, tries to bump or tickle or nuzzle the Doctor's mind in return. It's more like throwing a brick at it (and serves him right), but the point gets across.
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