Stream of Consciousness

Dec 27, 2009 01:08

 We're going to embark upon an adventure of experiments.

One: staying up late because I can't sleep and therefore will fall asleep during Father Fred's homily even though the man is a very good speaker and I like it when he takes out his mickey mouse stuff or puts on his huge kingdom glasses.

Two: I was going onto a stream of consciousness before I decided to start. :( Anyway, two, I want to see how this works. and i'm bord. i just don't want to sleep.


Joshua Bell. Cool dude. Speaking of experiments, he did this social experiment where he played at a subway for 45 min. He earned roughly 30 dollars. A week before, he played at a concert hall in which moderately good seats sold for 100 dollars. Whoo!

He was all, "They were ignoring me" Well tough, Bell. Y'see, when our orchestra plays at dinner, we're not only ignored, but we're somewhat of a nuisance. People clap because it's polite, but they're really thinking, "Why is there a mediocre high school orchestra playing while I'm trying to talk to other rich people about being rich?"

I have no idea where that came from. From whence that came. Or whence that came. Do I need "from" if I use "whence"? Is it implied?

That reminded me of Latin. And how I'm apparently going to major in it. Meh. Maybe. Classics seemed like the best alternative. After all, i'm staying away from majoring in math or science. It would be kind of pathetic if I'm in honors for all these liberal arts classes and I try to major in science. But English? Not for me. I'll stick to Latin, even if I'm not that good at it.

This isn't a very successful stream of consciousness. During that last paragraph, my mind kept jumping to other stuff, dolphins, and whales, and I kept dragging my mind back to what I was trying to write. Maybe if something pops up, I'll let it. Foxes. I'll just type whatever comes to mind. Oranges in thongs.

I don't even know if it's a thong. I think it is. Orange Range is the band. Sang Asterisk (boo!) and Shanghai Honey (w00t!). what came to mind for some reason when i typed w00t.

i'm not sure why. I've realized I stopped capitalizing my I's at some point. I've started to again, but I won't correct the old ones or else this'll be just weird.

I should sleep.

I just slouched a little more on the couch. On one arm is a watch I got for christmas. Didn't capitalize that either. And I have my St. Agnes ring on the same hand. The other arm boasts a very fashionable, very noisy but not really charm bracelet. PANDORA

Like from Phantom of the Opera. "you little prying pandora!" you little viper? is that right? is this what you wanted to see?

The mind jumps from one thing to another too quickly for my finger to type them all. not to mention all the typos. I've just given up on correct grammar and capitalization. who cares.

speaking of correctness, YOU HAVE ALL BEEN SPELLING HALLOWEEN INCORRECTLY. I spelled it incorrectly.

Apparently, according to OED and NPR (I remember about two months ago around that time of year)

It's... (drumroll)


f yea. didn't see that coming.


I wish I'd had sugar. then this would all make sense.



how did the Italians even come up with this? putting espresso and rum in the same dessert? with raw eggs? and who ever thought of mixing the mascarpone with the sugar and the rum and with the yolks? and then you take the whites and you hand wisk them until it's fluffy and stiff like snow. sluffy and fiff.

and then you mix that. then you lay down the lady's fingers and you drench them with half a cup failrly odd parents of espresso. santa claus. and saunta clause. is th emove called the santa claus or the santa clause? i never knew. anyway, you let the espresso soak into the lady's fingers, and then you carefully pour GENTLY! pour the mascarpone (with the now added fluffy yet stiff snowness of egg whites) onto the drenched lady's fingers, making sure to spread it without hurting the fingers. ow.

then you put on more ladyfingers on top of the marcarpone mix, and you drench those fingers with another cup of espresso. no wonder i get jittery when i eat too much tiramisu. then you put even more mascarpone mix on top of that. glasses. getting sleepy. if you're smart, you'll have had cocoa prepared to drizzle on top, but if you're like me or my brother, you'll not think of that and get a packet of hot chocolate and sprinkle that on top. realizing that it looks disgusting, you'll find some truffles that your mother got from a coworker, and you'll use a cheese grater to grate the truffles so that long flakes will rain down upon the weird-looking tiramisu. If you're Morimoto, you'll forego the cocoa entirely and sprinkle on some green tea powder. I didn't finish watching that episode of iron chef. i wonder how the judges reacted to green tea powder.

that is another unsuccessful stream of consciousness. I thought of Yugioh at least twice neopets between my recipe-reciting, though I'm not sure why. I find myself longing for my days as a child when I could watch cartoons without being judged. though i did watch phineas and ferb, which is oddly entertaining. more entertaining than ni hao cai lan. i don't remember a single chinese word from cai lan, but i do remember that "we won't stop until we get some. it's the principle of the thing" should be part of we wish you a merry christmas.

is that it? i could stop now. apparently it's 1:05. idk.




my bff allison and christine in no particular order it's alphabetical.  marcus, are you here? kate, kelsey, my goodest freshman pals, *sobs* it's like i'm drunk or something, but i'm not smiling!


I feel like my post sounds happier than my face looks. It's frowning at hte computer as i type because i spelled 'the" incorrectly for about the fifth time. i finished my american applications. the canadians can just wait. o canada! my home and native land! not really. even my cousins are lying when they sing that, though some have never left canada.

I wanna go home.

Where am I?

insanity, dolphins, lod, cooking, stream, music, rivers

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