Feb 12, 2007 18:37
So the course that we played this weekend was not exactly great. The greens in particular was sickening despite what we were told in order to get us out there It would not have been upsetting, except that for the same price we could have played our favorite course in the area ($40) Kev in particular took it to heart. See pervious entry for his commentary, as well as the email he sent the course below.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kevin Mullally
To: comments@panthercreekgolf.com
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 15:29:39 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Panther Creek Golf Club (February 10, 2007)
Panther Creek,
I had played Panther Creek previously (in September) and was impressed by the quality of the layout and the service of the staff. Despite the course's shortcomings (lack of parking lots or a clubhouse), the staff did an excellent job of making my group's experience a lot of fun. However, my most recent outing to Panther Creek was rather disappointing. My roommate and I made a tee time through Last Minute Golfer and we teed off at 11:20 AM. The prior day, before I made and paid for the tee time, I called the course to check on the course conditions, specifically the condition of the greens. I was told by the woman who answered the phone that the greens were "brown but rolled true." This could not be further from the truth. The greens were unputtable. Many of the greens, especially the ninth hole, were literally covered with mud instead of grass. After our round, I went inside and told the staff about the poor condition of the greens. The course superintendent overheard and simply replied by saying that greens' condition was due to the fact that there had been lots of play that morning. He acknowledged that another reason that they were so poor was the lack of a winter overseed. I am not a course superintendent, but I generally play golf at twilight times (I am a teacher and I do not make a lot of money) and I have NEVER seen greens as poor as those were on Saturday. If the greens had simply been bumpy due to spike and ball marks, that would have been perfectly understandable, but the condition of those greens had very, very little to do with excessive play. The course superintendent also claimed that there were no previous complaints about the greens that morning. I find that hard to believe based on these reviews posted on Last Minute Golfer's website. If I had not called the course and had not been given false information, I would not be nearly as upset about my experience. Please let me reiterate that I enjoy Panther Creek Golf Club - I think it is a great track, but you will continue to lose customers if these greens are not fixed and customers are not given truthful information when they inquire about it.
-Kevin Mullally
(The guy in the mint green shorts and sweater vest)