Jul 06, 2004 12:24
"hey, welcome to the blue tile lounge. I'm your host, blue johnny rad. thank you, thank you. hey the bones brigade is here tonight, how bout that huh?"
"alright, it's just a game right valley boy? you like games right valley boy? tonight, meet me at bronson's canyon half pipe... joust. be there."
"this really means something to me, i'll always treasure it as a token."
"No you won't, coz this is for the girl who loved me. the girl who cares about me for who i am. not what i look like. i just wanted you to know you'd be missing. you think i dont appreaciate art? you think i dont understand fashion? you think im not hip? you think im pathetic, a nerd? you think i'm shit? well you're wrong. you're shit. until the day you die, you, not me, will always be shit."
I'm goin to the movies with carrie tonight, should be oodles.