Title: When I Go Backwards . . .
Author: Spacemonkey
Rating: PG 13
Pairing: Jon/Stephen
Word Count: 2,110
Summary: Stephen thought one day he’d get in the car with Jon and they’d just drive, out on the open road and Jon could maybe drive at a normal speed so there would be more time for the bickering and less time for chasing reality.
Notes: This fic is completely a birthday present for
wacky_iraqi that took on a life of it's own. It was meant to be 500 words, tops!! AND FUNNY AS ALL HELL!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!! Really, she just wanted Jon/Stephen/Desk, and I failed at that miserably. Fail.
Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE, I LOVE YOU, and I hope this is just what you needed. Kisses!!
Disclaimer: Any similarity between the fictional version of the person portrayed here and the actual person is purely coincidental. This is a work of fiction. This is not an attempt to defame the character of said person on the basis of libel, as the work is FICTIONAL (and NOT an intently false statement created with the express purpose of misleading others about the actual character of said person).
Any mention of 'The Daily Show', 'Viacom', any associated entites, or any copywrited material pertaining therein is reasonably protected by the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976, and is not intended to infringe upon any copywrited material.
I’m pretty sure burnt saucepan doesn’t contain sodium