My weekend in a nutshell

Feb 23, 2009 08:10

  • I had class on Saturday, and found out that we got 100% on our group presentation.
  • We were supposed to go to Heather and Steve’s for a play date so Mike and Alex drove me to class and then were going to pick me up and we’d head to H & S. The university is about ½ way to their place so it didn’t make any sense for me to drive home.
  • Our class let out early so I called Mike and told him that I’d just walk over to Brentwood mall (about 4 blocks) - Alex was sleeping and there was no point in waking her up or them coming to get me early and us just wasting time until going to H & S. I’d be waiting for them for about an hour or hour and a half so I figured I’d just grab a coffee and study. He got rather pissy about the whole thing and started going on about why do we have to go over so early - the plan was that we’d be there around 4. I told him that was the plan all along so just stick to it.
  • Then I lost my phone! Or so I thought anyway. I was half way to the mall when I thought I should confirm that I took my phone off vibrate and I couldn’t find it. So I traipsed back to the U of C and couldn’t find it. I went to the payphone to call campus security, when I thought, hmm, why don’t I just call my phone and see if someone will answer it. And then I heard it ringing in my purse. It slipped into the center compartment. Then I ran into a guy from my class who gave me a ride over to the mall.
  • We made it to Heather & Steve’s, and had a great supper and the kids had so much fun together - although we’ve all agreed that the drum will be hidden next time! Marci announced that she was pregnant, although it’s still a secret so don’t tell!
  • We headed home about 8:15 - Alex fell asleep in the car. We woke her up when we got home and I took her up to bed. She was crabby. I started to tell her a story but she didn’t want that, so I said okay, lets say your prayers to which she said yes. Half way through the prayers, she decided she didn’t want to say them anymore and hit me on the face. More precisely, her little nail stabbed me in the left eye….and now my vision is fuzzy and it’s been sore since and has green stuff coming out of it! I have to try and get an appointment with Gimbel today to get it checked out.
  • Barb was coming to pick me up on Sunday and take me to Red Deer to pick up the Lexus for mom & dad who are coming home on Tuesday. My eye seemed to feel better, although still sore and weepy so I decided to still go.
  • We had a nice lunch and then she took me to mom & dad’s. I got the lexus started with no trouble, however there was no heat with the exception of the butt warmer.
  • I called dad and neither he nor mom could figure out how to fix it - I think there’s an error in the system. I took some maternity clothes up to Marci (because even if I get pregnant now, she’ll be 6 months along by the time I need to use any of them.) and Raj (who’s a mechanic”) took a look and he couldn’t figure it out either.
  • Dad called while we were trying to figure it out so I had to lie to him and tell him I was in Innisfail, because they don’t know about the baby yet and I know I’d blow the secret if I told him I was up there.
  • So I drove home with only a butt warmer for heat!!!!
  • Got home and had some playtime with Alex and then put her to bed…..and then about 10 she started throwing up. The last time we made a trip to the bathroom was about 5 am….so I’ve had about 2 hours sleep.

Whew - and that’s my weekend!

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