Aug 21, 2008 15:08
Our computer is on the fritz so I can only post from work and I can only type with one hand - so you won't be hearing from me too much. Some new developments in my life....
I've lost my ring - not wedding rings but just as special. I took it off on Tuesday night, and when I went to put it on Wednesday morning it was gone - I have no idea where, and Alex wasn't even up at that point. Of course, Mike is mad at me now.
I've got laser eye surgery scheduled for September 2. That means that I'm going to be off for 7 - 10 days. There was a surgery that I was eligible for that has a way shorter recovery time, but it comes with a few issues. One, if I ever get poked in the eye, which Alex does whenever we're talking about body parts, the possibility exists that the little flap created could wrinkle - that can't be good. Two - I want to have another little one one day, same wrinkling problem. Three, I'm not the most coordinated person on the earth and therefore have been known to poke myself in the eye. The other surgery doesn't do the same thing, so therefore no wrinkling issues. Longer recovery time (could be 9 months!) versus wrinkly vision.....sigh!
My wrist is still broken - and because I'm impatient and feel mostly useless, I'm trying to do more, so it's hurting more. My house is a disaster and laundry is piling up as we speak! I can't keep the floors clean and I still haven't put the sheets back on Daulton's bed. Gotta get atter!
On the up side of that - I get a new washer and dryer next week, so laundry will be a snap - oh wait, I still have to do it, the washer just won't leak!
And...we now have a wii so I can get out all my aggression on the tennis field - memo to self, move coffee table before swinging hand directly into it. Could have broken the other one!!!
We're headed out camping again this weekend, out to McLean Creek - wherever that is. It should be fun. Also, we'll be camping in Brooks the weekend of September 20th, with my parents. They in their 45 foot motorhome and us in our 8 foot tent trailer! My sister has planned Nicholas's baptism out there (without telling me what the date was - umm, hello, we're his Godparents!) so we're going to camp out there for the weekend. Hopefully somewhere outside of the smell zone from the rendering plant.
Tonight I have so much to do it's ridiculous - why do I leave things to the last minute??!!
Back to work I go!!!