Lately I've been putting all of my extra time outside of my family into
Coldview. Things are going really awesome. Nick and I are really making some good music with the live drum and bass tunes we're cranking out.
Work has been kind of a drag lately. I can't really expect it to be Disney Land or anything, I mean, its commission accounting. I think I have the most nerdy job out there.
Shawn is learning to talk back and say "No". Its been rather difficult getting him to eat his dinner in the evenings. I suppose its karma kicking my ass for the horrible tantrums that I threw when my mother was trying to feed me.
We're heading to Chicago next week so I'm kind of excited about that. I think I'm going to go buy a car adapter thing for the old ipod since its going to be such a long drive. I'm usually the main driver until we hit Milwaukee. Then my counterpart takes over into her homeland.