What's a pirate's favorite animal?
An AARRRmadillo!!
Why didn't the pirate take a shower before walking the plank?
He knew he would wash up on the shore later anyway!
One pirate said to his fellow crewmate, "Arrrgh, that be a fine looking hook and peg leg ye got for ye'self!"
The pirate replied, "I should think so, it cost me and arm and a leg!"
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Pirate Walking.
Pirate Walking who?
Pirate walking on two wooden legs!
What kind of school does a pirate fear more than a school of sharks?
A school of lawyers!
To err is human.
To ARRR is pirate.
What do you call a happy pirate?
A jolly roger!
What do you call a pirate with no eye?
A prate!
What side of a pirate boat does a pirate not want to be on?
The outside!
How did the pirate feel after drinking rum all night?
What goes thump-thump Arr!, thump-thump Arr!?
A pirate falling down the stairs!
Why did the pirate cross the sea?
To get to the other tide!
Why couldn't the pirates play cards?
The captain was standing on the deck!
How did the pirate learn how to read?
"Hooked" on phonics!
3 pirates walk into a bar...
Ouch! Ooof! Arrrr!
What does pirate Santa Claus say?
Yo ho ho ho!