A'fore I start my daily doldrums of writing a half-million dollar grant, best to bang my head against the keyboard and see if words come out for y'all. Lo, they do.
-What an excellent week. After surprising
damnitnicole with a few books and some unsurprising affection, she made the trek on Monday up to Jersey to stay with her brother. I'd initially thought I'd get to see her Tuesday, which left me quite excited. Turns out, I spent every night since Sunday with her. Utterly fantastic. Highlights:
- Getting the utter shit beat out of me at every Dunkin' Donuts we walked in to. I seem to have created a monster by introducing her to The Game. Gotta step up my play. Which reminds me, a codified write-up of the rules might be in order... next week.
- Picking up a very drunk Trey in Jersey City and cruising around suburban Jersey. I like city driving; I get to pretend I'm in a sci-fi fighter jet.
- Actually not having sex and falling asleep curled up on each other Monday night. This hadn't actually happened yet and made me all mushy in that we-fit-together-well-and-genuinely-like-each-other sort of way. Fear not, the next two nights were filled with pawing, cuddling, talking, zombies, monsters, and lizards.
- Totally destroying Trey at The Game. In his home town! OH! The look on his face was priceless.
- Rolling in to work late every single day this week and having anyone yet notice or care. Ahhh.
Next time I'll see Nicole is for the Amorphis show in a week and a half. It's nice to have a girlfriend I care about and get totally retarded over and almost bittersweet to miss her as much as I do. Ah well, that's where it's at now; who knows where things'll lead? Always interesting to find out. I totally adore her, so obviously I'm optimistic.
-Sick as a dog at the moment. This is most problematic as I have a fundraiser to attend tomorrow. It's hard to look dashing and sound smooth when it feels like someone jammed a live horned toad straight up your nose. I have to pitch an ask to the head of Ralph Lauren's foundation as well. Fuck me gently with a spiked sledgehammer, Batman.
-Sunday will be spent visiting Teh Parents. Apparently I have a large amount of crap, amassed over several years of using their house as a dumping point, that I have not gone through. In the interests of giving them as much space to play with now that all four kids have, to say, flown the coop, I'll be down in the 'wick for a day, sorting that crap out. If you're nearby, feel free to keep me company. You can also send cohorts with candy/booze.