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Dec 31, 2009 02:46

If I have the chance and time, I will write a reflective blurb about the past year and my resolutions (although considering I didn't do jack for last year's they'll largely remain the same, I suspect).

I've been getting out the last few days, so things have been interesting. Although, after New Year's I suppose I'm back on my own and facing square zero.

My contract ended mid-December. It was originally stretched to the end of December, but (fortuitous?) circumstances had HR calling me up and revising it to mid-December. My supes have asked me to return after New Year's, but this is probably the most graceful out I have, so I admitted I wasn't at all sure I wanted to continue and declined. They left the offer open in case I change my mind, which I'm grateful for. However, it's an insidious temptation.

I am worried how I'm figuring out where to go from here and if I find the next step, but if I go on mindlessly with it, I'm sure I'll be in the same position when they'd finish with me. It's not a job I can see myself lasting in over a year, much less five.

Joining some friends in Vegas, so I'm heading out tomorrow early afternoon. This will be the first time I actually do something interesting for it. I'm a bit sorry to Julia, who had asked me first if I wanted to go. I ended up changing travel plans to go with Johnny on Friday afternoon instead of earlier, when she's going, since I thought it'd fit better.

Went down to Irvine to visit a friend (with another friend, her bf) tonight. Took longer than I thought and I came back later than I wanted, but it was nice to see them and hang out. Originally I wanted to just enjoy the blue moon with them, but we didn't go outside in the end at all. Or drink tea or have cookies. My friend had an emergency surgery a week or so back and is recuperating at her mom's place. She's still really sore so she couldn't walk down the stairs to go outside. (And she originally wanted to take a detour and go up on a hot air balloon today!) The hot air balloon did sound like a fun idea but I'm glad we didn't do it. Not only because it wouldn't help my recovering friend at all, but also because cramming it in today would've been too rushed and it was raining today.

Her bf took a cat they were catsitting down with us and it turned out my allergies (to fur) reacted with him.... he was a lovely, lovely cat though, so I didn't mind. The poor thing hated the car ride though. He cried and screamed the entire way down to Irvine-- he was losing his voice at the end of the drive and wheezing badly.

Peacocks' really do sound like the cries of suffering cats.

Yesterday went to Long Beach's Aquarium of the Pacific with Luce. Had a wonderfully fun time yesterday. :D We also went for whale watching and caught all 4 species of dolphin in the area (although how the guides could tell the difference is beyond me; I also couldn't see the Ri-something dolphins they spotted), sea lions and seals, and the backs of fin whales, and a very obliging and friendly young humpback whale who breached the water twice as well as rolled around and flipped up his tail at us. A lot.

I figure we got so lucky because he WAS a young whale and couldn't figure out what the hell our boat was. ::lol:: So he rolled around us and finally gave up and poked his head up to take a look. And then again after a spit-take at the funny things (us) on the big white thing (the boat). After all, after the second breach, he dove and didn't bother to come back.

Also caught Sherlock Holmes, the movie. It is BADASS. I loved it; I definitely recommend it if you're looking for a spot of action with cutting, sly humor and a very capable and awesome female character. I also watched the Princess and the Frog a few weeks back and it's a very nice film. Handled racial issues well (went a bit heavy on the hard work ethic), made the characters likeable, and had interesting twists. I totally thought paying $11 to watch a Disney movie in theater was a bit silly, but it was worth it.

Well I really need to go sleep. u_u FFFF, 2:45 AM... just got back from Irvine about half an hour ago. I need to get up by 11 to pack, figure out what I should be trying to do in Vegas, and the organize, hit the bank, yada yada.... leaving at 2 PM. :X Should be trippy.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year everyone! I'm still backlogged on some email (sorry!) and will be working on getting back to those... and cleaning, etc. the usual. Take care!
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