Dec 04, 2002 15:08
yeah so i was so busy typing in my journal today that i wound up running late for work. I was in a hurry and cut my self three times while shaving. gosh it was just a big hot mess.
there now the subject relates to the event. And i gain extra points for cleverness because i made the subject line make you think that i was all depressed and emo. Then in the body of the event it is revealed that actually i was just a dumbass and cut myself shaving. but how the girls will swoon because i can communicate my daily goofs in such an emo way. mm hot and sexy meow!
well i hope this clears up the subject/event aggreement that makes all you regular journal writers look like a bunch of fake ass emo wanting to be retards. Perhaps by using my strategies no one will know you are fake and that guy with the tight camp t-shirt or that girl who has that sexy tattoo and hasn't shaved her arm pits in 6 years will move in with you and have sex with you for a month or so till they realize you are just stupid.