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So I took my placement tests at JCC. I a mentally retarded when it comes to math. Basically the opposite of rain man. but I got an almost perfect score on the reading shit.
Lol I hit kim's car with my car last night. No damange besides a scuff mark on her bumber. I felt pretty retarded though.
I go down to my grandmothers after work today to spend thanksgiving weekend. I will miss kim a lot I am afraid. But I will have time to be by myself. And to not have to cook food every freakin day woo hoo.
Nothing really extravagant going on in my life besides my show at the brycc house dec 1st at 4 only 3 dollars. ANY BASTARD WHO FUCKING READS THIS BETTER FUCKING BE THERE!!!!!!!! I pitty the foo who don't go!!
I have no idea what to talk about in thisi thing anymore. I don't ever write in it. But I am really bored here at work. So I thought I would just ramble on a while. It is nice to know I only have one disorder. My girlfriend has three disorders ha and everyone says I am wierd. Well I am the more sane then she is! who would have thought that. thomas is almost sane. By the way if you are ever going to go to a college don't go to JCC because finding out what you have to do to get in is like pulling fuciking teeth.
penis? vagina?...............ahh i see now.