"Angie's Song"

May 11, 2022 01:34

from A Field in England (2013)

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th' Great M. Lesko aka "the Joker in th' Vest" (1997)
.. we're atta long overdue reread of Joy Williams' State of Grace. all i recall is the (New England) Minister father who casts a long shadow (probably from the other side). also possibly dead is the Narrator's husband? she wrecks a Jaguar with him in it, or maybe he's at the wheel (bad brakes, poor choices). it's 1977 and Alice Cooper is singing lounge music on Carson. four characters enter a story from different points, tho' not four corners, you feel me? one of the computer builders - who is always dripping pieces of bun an' burger into his handiwork - is frankly pretty minor, but threatens to dominate the Text, either through his hobbies (pocketing *everything*, from distant conversations to unattended bibelots from off mantelpieces and endtables) or that th' Money is set to pass over his dad's generation, Pulliam-style.

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