"The Last Changeling" -Tale the Third

Jul 27, 2010 13:35

Title: "The Last Changeling"
Author: Taylor Dancinghands -taylor@tdancinghands.com
Characters: Vampire!Sheppard/Werewolf!Zelenka/Changeling!Rodney... and Centaur!Carson, among others.
Pairings: Zelenka/McKay, McKay/Sheppard pre-slash, eventually becoming Zelenka/McKay/Sheppard
Category: slash, established relationship, pre-slash, h/c, AU
Spoilers: Season 1/2, mostly "The Seige" pts 1 and 2. A little bit of dialogue is lifted from there.
Warnings: explicit M/M sex depictions
Rating: NC-17
Archive: Generally yes, but please let me know where
Summary: Defending his mate from the Wraith during the siege, Radek discovers something about Wolves and Wraith -lore about his own people and their purpose, lost, possibly on purpose, long ago.

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, never will, not claiming to. Just wanna play with 'em a little. Can't I, can't I, huh?

The Last Changeling

by Taylor Dancinghands

Tale the Third: "Protector"

They'd had their biggest fight about the mission to the satellite, with Rodney saying (shouting and waving his hands) that they couldn't afford to risk both the best scientists on Atlantis, and Radek saying (partially in Czech) that there were limits to how much a wolf could endure of his mate imperiling his life alone. In the end Rodney had relented, on the condition that Radek bring his own space suite, because Rodney did not care to see his own mate putting himself at risk either, and finally everyone ended up bringing spacesuits and it had saved both Radek Zelenka's life, and Peter Grodin's.

There was no time for 'I told you so's, though, nor even more than a moment to feel relief that they'd all survived, for their single, successful strike against the Wraith armada had only bought them a little time. Radek had had an uncomfortable suspicion that more sacrifices would be demanded of them before any sort of victory could be achieved, and while he was primarily motivated to make sure that this sacrifice would not come from his mate, it came as a surprise to Radek to discover how much he did not want it to come from John Sheppard either. All this in spite of the fact that the man was a vampire and, as such, Radek should have considered him a mortal enemy.

Seeing the devastation in his mate's eyes as they met in the control room to witness Sheppard's sacrifice, Radek found, to his dismay, that the feeling was echoed in his own heart. Worse, Radek knew what all of them did, but did not speak of: another sacrificed might well be called for, and it must come from either his mate, or their dear friend, Carson Beckett. Radek himself would have gladly given up his life to save either of theirs, but this was not an option, for he did not have the gene and could not fly the jumper to carry their remaining nuclear bomb. Never before had Radek ever regretted that fact so bitterly.

He winced -they all did- as the brilliant flash, heralding their friend's triumph, and his death, flooded the sky. He clutched at his mate's hand as a wave of grief swept over them all... and then a miracle happened.

Hearing John's voice over the intercom seemed at once utterly normal and profoundly shocking, and Radek and Rodney supported each other as they both felt their knees nearly give way for a moment. Then the time for relief and celebration was past as the real miracle -a fully charged ZedPM- was beamed directly to the control room and now, everything depended on them.

Naturally, Rodney had wanted Radek to stay in the control room to manage things there, while he ventured forth to the power room, but he backed down the moment he saw the two man escort they'd been able to round up for him. Radek took one look at the assembled force and turned to Dr Weir, asking her permission to avail himself of the privacy of her office for a moment. Radek was by nature a modest man and really preferred, whenever possible, not to Change in public.

He left his clothes folded neatly on chair and was back out, standing at his mate's side a moment later. For once the scientist and the wolf in Radek were in complete agreement; they both understood the necessity of Rodney's going, and both knew, without question, where Radek's mate needed him to be. Rodney seemed to be in agreement as well, for Radek could feel his mate's anxiety subside a measure when the wolf came to join him. The fear that still vibrated between the two of them was that death might be waiting for both of them in this venture, but it was the consequences of their failure -for all of Atlantis and Earth- that they feared more than their own demise.

They would rise to the occasion, therefor, Radek swore to himself, and would not fail -not the city, nor each other.

Radek would not fault himself for feeling that resolve waver, only a little while later, with both their marine escort lying unconscious and the Wraith, grinning with the confidence of his recent victories, striding towards them. As a man, Radek's heart might have failed him then, but the wolf knew nothing of despair. The instinct to protect carried him forward, and the wolf's single-mindedness spared him from the reflection that leaping for the wraith's throat might be the last thing he ever did. The wolf's awareness of the moment brought him only the sound of Rodney's cry of alarm and the Wraith's roar of defiance in the face of this new enemy, and then there was flesh under his teeth, and visceral pleasure of tearing, biting... and the bitter tang of alien blood on his tongue.

It burned in his mouth, though that did not stop him from biting deeper, tearing at the enemy -not at first. The smell and taste began to overwhelm him after a moment, however, and distracted him so that he lost his grip and the Wraith gained one, striking him hard in the ribs and hurling him away. Radek hit the floor hard, a yelp huffing out of him as he landed, and then he was retching, vomiting up the black, alien blood that he had swallowed.

Radek heard another cry of distress from Rodney, and knew impotent frustration at his own vulnerability at the moment, trying desperately to shake off the nausea and return to the fight. It was Rodney who reached his side a moment later, however, and not the Wraith, and Radek saw why when his vision cleared enough to focus on the Wraith, lying a handful of paces distant.

It was writhing on the floor where it had fallen, clawing at its torn throat. It was not healing. It was making a horrible, choked and gurgling version of that scream they made when they were wounded or angry, and the sound seemed to curdle Radek's guts and made him retch again, but the wraith wasn't healing itself. In fact, it seemed to be dying.

"Poisoner!" it gargled, spitting blood. "We defeated your vile kind once... we will easily do so again..." and then it convulsed and died.

"...the hell?" Rodney said, clearly as confounded as Radek. Besides being confounded, however, Radek was still desperate to get the Wraith blood off and out of his mouth. He pawed at the blood soaked fur around his muzzle, desperately wishing for something like a clear, running stream, to wash it all away. Thankfully, Rodney seemed to pick up on his desire as well.

"Damn," he said, casting about for the a solution. "You don't suppose there's a working WC in this sector, do you? Wait, yes..." he was thinking aloud now. "Isn't there one just across from that balcony...?"

Radek could not for the life of him recall, but followed Roney's pointing gesture and struggled to his feet. He tried to scent the possibility of fresh water in the air, but all he could smell was wraith blood, which only made him feel sick again.

"Come on," Rodney was saying and Radek followed, on blind trust, knowing he would not be disappointed. He was not. One of Atlantis's 'wall of water' style urinals was exactly what he needed, for the water started running as soon as their presence was detected in the washroom and Radek plunged his muzzle into the swiftly running trough at the base, gratified to see the dark swirls of tainted water being carried away.

Rodney knelt at his side, helping him scrub away at the places where the blood clung to his fur, but backed away quickly when Radek raised his dripping head, warning his mate with a look that he was about to shake himself dry. Radek gave a little huff of a laugh as Rodney squawked in indignation at being spattered slightly in spite of his retreat, then plunged his head back into the clear, clean running water. He washed his mouth and muzzle two more times, and was about to go back for a third and final rinse when they both herd a voice, quietly calling out a greeting.

Rodney reached for his side arm automatically before realizing that it was empty, then let Radek crowd him back, away from the door. Radek peered cautiously past the entrance, and came nearly face to face with Teyla. Both jumped back in surprise, then then let out nervous laughs a moment later.

"Teyla!" Rodney cried with subdued joy and relief. "Where were you? We thought maybe..."

"My radio was broken and I was separated from my group," she explained as Radek returned to the water for his final rinse. "I was trying to make my way back when I saw the dead wraith in the corridor there, and then heard the water running in here... and I did not think it would be the wraith..."

"Good call," Rodney said, lifting his hands to shield himself as Radek shook himself dry all over, one last time. "Turns out that Radek's bite is poison to the Wraith, but their blood also seems to make him sick. We came here so he could wash it off."

"Truly?" Teyla's look was astonished, but also assessing as she met Radek's eyes. "I could see that it was no ordinary weapon which had killed that wraith... it was you, Dr Zelenka?" Radek nodded with a little added woof for emphasis.

"Your bite is truly poisonous to the Wraith?" she asked further, trying not to seem incredulous, though Radek could not blame her. He was feeling a little incredulous himself.

"You think that's strange?" Rodney commented. "The wraith seemed to know what Radek was, called him 'poisoner' and said the Wraith had 'defeated his kind' before. Have you ever heard any stories from your people about any creatures able to poison the Wraith?"

"I have not," Teyla answered, "but I will be sure to inquire of our Tale Keepers when I next have the opportunity. For now, however, I presume you have some vital errand that has brought you to this place?"

"Oh, yes," Rodney replied, seeming to just now recall their mission. "We have a ZedPM!"

"So you do," Teyla replied.

"This may get the shields up," he explained, grabbing up the case he'd set down just inside the washroom door.

"Lead the way," Teyla said with a smile, then smiled wider still as Radek pushed his way to the front and she realized that she'd addressed her request to the wrong person.

"Yeah, sure..." Rodney replied, glancing between the two of them. "Uh, after you."

They met only one other wraith on their way to the power room, and Teyla brought it down with her P-90, letting Radek finish it off with a slash to the throat with his teeth. He was careful, and managed to get very little of the creature's blood in his mouth, but was still grateful when Teyla poured him a little of the water from her canteen to rinse it. She had watched the wraith writhe and die after Radek's poison had entered its body with admiring astonishment.

"This is truly a miraculous thing you are able to do, Radek," she said, recapping her canteen as she stood. "All of us who fear the wraith will rejoice to hear of it."

'Poisoner' Radek thought to himself as they continued on their way, considering all those who would not rejoice to hear of his newly discovered -or perhaps rediscovered- talent. Somewhere there was a tale, a history about his people he did not know, and much would hang on his learning it.

"Radek, I'm going to need your hands," Rodney announced as they finally arrived at their destination and checked in with the control room. The urgency of his request was unmistakable and Radek knew that his preference for modesty must be overlooked. Still, it came as a welcome surprise when Teyla offered him her jacket to tie around his waist as he stood, wincing from aches that the wolf had not felt.

The jacket served as little more than a 'fig leaf', but Radek felt it as a comfort, and was grateful for it. Rodney only offered him a brief, wry smile and put him to work, and together they got the ZedPM installed and the shield up, seconds before the remains of the wraith armada slammed into them.

There should have been a time to relax after that, but there wasn't. Rodney tried to convince Radek to keep his human form as they headed back to the control room, for he knew the frequent Changes would eventually exhaust Radek, but there were still wraith in the city. Radek could smell them, and it was impossible not to take the wolf to protect his mate as they made their way back.

And that was how it went for the next several days.

Radek had never imagined that it was possible for a wolf to Change as many times as he did over those days, and it was exhausting. Carson gave him glucose injections and vitamins, and Rodney plied him with energy bars and begged him to keep the same form for the rest of the day, but Radek couldn't make himself do anything else. Rodney was needed all over the city to work on vital repairs, and as long as there remained wraith at large, Radek was powerless but to take the wolf and accompany him. Once at the repair site, however, Radek would sense immediately how much more quickly Rodney could be finished if he had Radek's hands and speech, and so would become human again for the duration. Rodney took to carrying a lab coat with him for the sake of Radek's modesty, and Radek loved him for it.

Radek did not miss the concern he saw in his mate's eyes, but he did not miss the fatigue there, either. They were all run ragged, pressed to the limits of their endurance, and worried sick -about the city and about each other. The two days that Sheppard was gone with the Daedalus on what Radek feared was a terribly risky endeavor both Radek and his mate fretted and did not speak at all about what preyed upon them. Rodney had wanted to go, Radek knew, but Sheppard, much to Radek's relief, had forbidden it.

"They need you on Atlantis," he'd said, in that no-nonsense tone Radek had come to respect. "And while I won't say we couldn't use you on the Daedalus, we've got Hermiod, and we can manage without."

"We need you on Atlantis too," Radek had found himself saying, finding the surprise in Sheppard's eyes matching that which he felt in his heart. "We will both be very displeased if you fail to return, yes?"

They were both relieved when he did return, almost enough to balance the disappointing news he brought. That left the ball back in their court again, which neither Rodney nor Radek were terribly surprised about, as exhausted as they were. In retrospect, Radek had no idea how his brain had turned out anything short of gibberish as he and Rodney labored to find a way to make the jumpers' cloak work on the city, but Rodney would always insist that Radek had, indeed, made meaningful contributions.

He'd been needed in the jumper bay, in the end, and he'd been needed in his human form, and so he had gone, focusing what was left of his concentration on the task at hand. Ordinarily, he would have sensed Ford's presence long before he came close enough to strike. A mind so unsettled gives off a multitude of clues that even a pup would notice, but Radek's awareness was threadbare at best by then.

He'd felt the accumulated fatigue from the last several days begin to demand their due the moment he had seen that the cloak was working, thinking that now, perhaps, he could finally rest, when Ford came up behind him and caught him completely unawares. Radek had felt the pain of the blow, and a moment of terror and dismay at having been caught when victory was so close... and then the darkness had taken him at last.

He had never been so pleased to find himself in the infirmary upon waking. It took some time before Radek was able to draw on his senses enough to learn anything further about his surroundings -an indication of how exhausted he still was- but he could sense his mate's presence, and knew that there was nothing more troubling the man than his own fatigue and a tinge of worry about Radek. He would allay that worry, as soon as he could, and then they could both really rest at last.

It took rather more effort than it should have, to move his hand until it made contact with Rodney's arm. He was hunched over and half resting on the bed, of course, and gods knew what it was doing to his back, but so exhausted that he had fallen asleep anyway. Rodney stirred, then moaned as Radek's touch woke him.

"Slowly, miláčku," Radek cautioned gently. "You will have tied your back into a knot."

Rodney mumbled something less than intelligible, then slowly raised his head, blinking. "Radek?" he managed finally. "You're awake?"

"I am," Radek answered, "though I would like nothing more, at the moment, than to return to our rooms, with you, and get some proper rest."

"Definitely..." Rodney interrupted himself with a groan as he pushed himself upright. "Definitely a good idea; possibly one of your best..." He was interrupted by Carson, likely alerted to their wakefulness by Rodney's groan, trotting in to check on them.

"More rest is definitely an excellent plan for the both of you," he said, checking Radek's pulse and glancing carefully into his eyes. "And I'm happy to let you take it in your own quarters, as soon as ye've both got a bit of nourishment down ye."

Radek's encounter with Ford had left him with a mild concussion, Carson explained as radioed the mess to have someone send down a couple of sandwiches. "Though I think you might have set some sort of record," he commented, "for Changing the most times in the space of a few days. I don't believe I've ever heard of any wolf ever doing as much."

Radek shrugged. "I only did what was needed," he replied. "I do not think I could have done any different if I wanted to." Any reply Carson might have made was preempted then by the arrival of their food, carried in by Major Sheppard.

If Rodney was surprised at this he gave no indication, but laid into the sandwiches with his usual enthusiasm. Seeing him reminded Radek of his own hunger, but he did not fail to note that Sheppard remained as they ate, even after Carson had departed. Radek watched him with sidelong glances, seeing Sheppard's usual, carefully casual posture as he leaned against the door, evidently waiting for them. His scent gave away nothing but honest concern, however, and Radek let his natural wariness fade.

Rodney finished first, remembering to thank Sheppard as he finished, with his mouth still full, and gesturing with the water bottle in his hand. Radek reiterated, slightly more intelligibly, a moment later.

"No prob," Sheppard replied, shrugging away from the wall to push himself upright. "Just wanted to make sure you guys were both okay."

Sheppard had been waiting on him, just like Rodney, Radek mused. "As you see, we are fine," he replied, reaching a hand out to Sheppard so that he could help Radek up.

There was a warmth in the smile that Sheppard gave in answer, and it was the real smile -the one Radek did not see so often. He swayed a little as he stood, but then he was supported, Rodney on one side, Sheppard on the other. He placed his arms around both their shoulders as they walked back to his and Rodney's rooms, glad of the assistance, but unable to avoid his awareness of Sheppard and what he was.

Should it not have felt... repulsive? disturbing? to hold a vampire so close? But it felt like none of those things. Instead, Radek was aware only of Sheppard's warmth and sinewy strength, and of the dark hunter that lay beneath his skin, that woke the wolf within him. The wolf felt no animosity, however, which was, perhaps, the most surprising thing of all. It was instead... fascinated, just as Radek found himself to be.

Sheppard's smile was mainly cordial as they arrived at their quarters and bid him farewell, but Radek thought that it was maybe just a little intrigued as well. Did the dark hunter within him feel the same fascination Radek's wolf did? Radek lifted his gaze to Rodney's, thinking to ask him something, and then the door closed and he was alone with his mate, and nothing else mattered.

It was closeness that Radek craved more than anything else just then, and Rodney understood, drawing Radek into his arms to hold him tight. Radek could have held his mate thus for hours, but their fatigue intruded before very long. They both wanted a shower before sleeping, and they barely managed it, each of them practically holding the other up throughout the procedure. Afterward, mostly dry, they stumbled into bed together, but once there, found sleep somewhat elusive.

"I can't believe it's really all over," Rodney finally said over Radek's shoulder, his broad chest pressed warmly against Radek's back. "Some part of me keeps expecting yet another crisis to pop up the minute I start to doze off."

"I know what you mean," Radek said, curling closer. That was true, but there was one more thing preying on Radek's mind and holding sleep at bay. He let the largely comfortable silence stretch between them for several moments before giving it voice. "Did you not find it... unexpected," he finally asked, "that Sheppard was waiting for us?"

"Not really," Rodney's answer was quick, almost unthinking, and told Radek more that Rodney's words had.

"No?" he asked, wanting to understand more.

"He... he cares," Rodney finally managed, wrapping his arms a little tighter around Radek's body. "About his team... and... and about me... and us."

Radek nodded, knowing Rodney would feel the movement. Radek sensed the truth of his mate's words -saw the truth of them as he reflected on his memories of their missions together with Sheppard. He saw another truth then as well. "And you...?" he asked, knowing his mate would hold nothing back.

"Um... maybe?" Rodney answered. "He's... It's not just that he's saved my life a bunch of times... 'cause, you know, he has, but I... I don't think he thinks anyone else cares..." Rodney trailed off, but Radek could hear the memory of Sheppard's words to Rodney -thinking they might be his last- echoing in the silence between them... 'So long Rodney...'

"And... I do," Rodney said, just a little frightened and just a little daring, in that very Rodney way that made Radek love him all the more. He lifted one of his mate's hands to his lips to kiss, reassuring and affectionate, and he felt his lover relax around him.

"It may be," Radek said, a little daring himself now, "that I do as well."

He felt his mate's arms draw him close again, and felt warm, familiar lips press against the nape of his neck. The issue resolved, Radek felt wakefulness's hold on them broken at last, and both welcomed sleep with open arms.

Later, when Radek would, perforce, ask himself how it had become possible for him, a wolf, to care for a vampire -supposedly his mortal enemy- Radek considered that the terrible events of the siege of Atlantis had served as a sort of forge, and no one who had passed through it had remained unchanged. It had not changed who he was, nor who Sheppard was, but it had changed what they thought they were capable of -whether that be staying awake for days on end, or coming to care about someone that every thing he knew said he should detest.

Another wolf might have found such changes alarming, but Radek knew full well, from the moment he had made the decision to step through the stargate and leave the familiar behind, that he was no ordinary wolf. He was honest with himself, however, enough to know that he was not entirely untroubled at these developments. Radek Zelenka was far too intelligent to imagine that no such crisis would ever visit their city again, and when it did come, more changes would come with it.

Radek had always known that Atlantis would take him to places no wolf had ever been, but he'd had no idea of how far she would take him, and even less of how much of a journey still lay before him. He was honest enough to admit to the fear he felt when he tried to imagine it, but knew better than to fear that his heart would fail him, or that he would ever turn back.

Together, he and his mate had cast their lots in with Atlantis, and wherever she lead them, they would follow.


So this is where, 1) I realize that I need to throw a few more characters and pairings into the mix -hence, the next tale will feature a little Lorne/Parrish- and, 2) I head out in a few days to teach a summer camp for a couple of weeks -hence, there may be less time for writing and/or internet access. This latter may turn out to not be true at all, so we'll keep our fingers crossed and hope that it won't be too long a wait before the next tale, tentatively titled "Wings" appears here. Knock wood.

And here it is!

last changeling au, slash, sga

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