RP Log - God-children Are Pissed Yet Again

Jun 09, 2007 16:59

Who: Pluto, chaos, Noelle, Albedo & Xellos
When: After Taiki & Allenby were kidnapped, before they were rescued
Where: Hut 4, school, library, outside Hut 10
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Xenosaga & Sailor Moon references, angry god-children
Notes: None
Summary: chaos and Pluto start looking for Taiki and realize who took her. When picking up another for their group to find the culprit, he shows himself and stuff happens.

chaos walked over and knocked on the door to Pluto's room.

Pluto looked up from where she had been sitting, and got up to answer the door. "chaos."

"Pluto... Have you seen Taiki-san?"

Pluto shook her head, "I have not seen her today."

chaos frowned. "I wouldn't think her gone so long, not with a guest here and everything..."

"I would not either..." Pluto sighed, "Taiki is very responsible."

"I wonder where she could be..."

"Did you look at the school and the library?"

chaos shook his head. "Not yet. Would you like to come with me?"

Pluto nodded, "We should check the school first."

chaos nodded.

Pluto walked with chaos out of their hut, closing the doors behind her.

"School's already been out for a while. Do you think that any of the students will still be there?"

"I do not think so. It should only be the teachers there, since students typically leave as soon as they can."

chaos nodded. "Unless some students are staying after to work on assignments."

Pluto nodded, "They would likely be in the library."


After a few minutes, they arrived at the school. Pluto looked at chaos, "Would you like to look in half and I look in the other?"

chaos nodded. "I'll check by her office."

Pluto nodded, "I'll check classrooms."

chaos started walking towards the offices.

Pluto walked to the classrooms, checking for Taiki in them.

chaos knocked at her office door, but the lights were off and there was no reply, and none of the other instructors were around.

Pluto came back to the offices, shaking her head. "She is not in any of the classrooms."

"She's not in her office, either."

"Library, then?"

chaos nodded.

Pluto went with chaos to the library next, "We have to split up again..."

chaos spotted a head of orangeish-red hair. "Or maybe not. Isn't Noelle-san in one of Taiki-san's classes?" He pointed to the girl.

Pluto looked, nodding. "I think she is in Taiki's literature class."

"Why don't we ask her?"

"That sounds like a good idea."

chaos walked over to the girl, who was reading a book. "Noelle-san?" he asked.

Pluto walked over, smiling at Noelle. "We have something we'd like to ask you, if you don't mind."

"Mr chaos! Miss Pluto!" Noelle smiled at the two of them. "What was it you needed?"

"Have you seen Taiki-san since classes ended today?" chaos asked.

Noelle looked down. "Miss Taiki wasn't in class today."

"She wasn't?" Pluto's eyes widened, "That isn't like her..."

"I asked Mr Khushrenada and Mr Merquise if they'd seen her, and they hadn't."

chaos bit his lip, glancing at Pluto.

Pluto looked back at chaos, worry evident in her eyes and how her shoulders tensed.

"Is everything alright?" Noelle asked.

"We have not seen her, either..."

"I hope she's alright," Noelle said softly.

"So do we," chaos replied.

Pluto nodded, "Is there anywhere she could be...?"

"I'm sorry I couldn't help," Noelle said, looking down.

chaos placed his hand on her shoulder. "It's alright. We'll find her." chaos started to walk out of the library.

"Thank you for your help, Noelle." Pluto nodded, then walked after chaos.

Once they were out of the library, chaos leaned against the building and looked at Pluto. "Where could she be?"

Pluto looked down, "I...I don't know..."

chaos sighed, and looked up at the sky. "This isn't like her."

"Something must have happened..."

"But what? It's been so peaceful around here, with him gone..."

Pluto closed her eyes, suddenly opening them again as she thought of the only thing that could have changed. "What if...he's back?"


"It...it could explain..."

"Pluto... Do you know something?"

Pluto slumped down to the ground, "If his mistress had gone there...my father would have had to let him go..."


"That...it is the only thing I can think of..."

chaos looked away darkly.

Pluto hung her head, "Taiki wouldn't disappear on her own..."

chaos leaned away from the wall. "I saw Citan-sensei's post on the journal system, as well." chaos couldn't bring himself to call the other man Uzuki. "Kabuto-san was mighty upset with Zelas."

"And if both of them are back..."

chaos started walking towards Hut 10.

Pluto looked up to see chaos walking away, "Yeshua?"

"I'm going to their hut."

"Not alone."

"Then come. But even if they're not there, Albedo is."

Pluto got up, "I will not let you go alone."

chaos nodded, and kept going.

Pluto easily caught up to chaos, walking alongside him.

"If... if they are back..."

"Something must be done to protect everyone."

"And will you object?"

"Only if you use all your Ether."

"I will try not to."

"I will do what I can to help."

chaos nodded, noting that they were almost to hut 10.

Pluto nodded, getting herself mentally ready just in case either of the mazoku were there.

chaos knocked on the door of the hut, and waited.

Albedo blinked as he heard a knock. Who in their right mind was coming here and knocking on the door? Grumbling, he got up and opened the door. "What do you want?" he asked.

Pluto didn't care about Albedo's sullen tone, "Have you seen either one of the mazoku around here?"

"Here as in this hut specifically, or here as in this island?"

"This hut first, then the island if you have seen them in the past few days."

"I haven't seen them here, but I know they're back. Where do you think the only sane member of this hut went?"

Pluto frowned, looking at chaos.

chaos was glaring, not at Albedo, but at the fact that Xellos was back.

"What, you didn't know?" Albedo asked incredulously.

"He is staying far away from me, it seems."

Albedo shrugged. "They were both pissed. Looked like they were gonna go have some fun."

chaos looked to Pluto. "We have to do something."

Pluto nodded, "I know. I am limited in what I can do with my power..."

Albedo raised his eyebrows. "You're planning on fighting them or something?"

"Yes." Pluto's voice came out as cold as the blood that was flowing in her as her father's genes started exerting their own influence on her.

Albedo considered this. "Want some help?" he offered.

"Why would you help us?" chaos asked.

Pluto kept from tapping her foot impatiently, waiting for Albedo's response.

"Well, that is what he sent me for... keeping your head on your shoulders."

"So it is settled."

chaos nodded, not entirely comfortable with Albedo's explanation.

Pluto looked at Albedo, "Can you find where they are?"

"Can you?"

"I asked you."

"And I asked you back."

"Just answer the question."

"I might."

chaos sighed.

Pluto glared at Albedo, "Yes or no?"

"Why don't you do it yourself?"

chaos looked between them. "We don't have time for this!"

"I am not going against them without a strategy." Pluto glared at Albedo, letting that line of conversation end for now. "My powers are not much good against mazoku unless you want them sent away."

"I don't know how long I'll be able to go before my strength gives out," chaos admitted.

"And I do not want your strength giving out." Pluto looked at chaos, "Do you think you could draw on some of my power if you need it?"

"I might..."

Albedo didn't really care about strategy. He just wanted to vent some frustration.

Pluto sighed, "Anything else?"

chaos shook his head.

"Then let's go."

chaos nodded.

Albedo shrugged, and waited for them to go.

Xellos appeared in front of his hut and frowned when he saw the group that had gathered on the stoop.

chaos took a step back, startled by his sudden appearance.

Pluto glared at Xellos, trying to resist the urge to send him away again.

"What do I owe this pleasant surprise?"

Albedo shrugged, waiting to see what the others would do.

"Where is Taiki?" Pluto demanded.

"How would I know?" Xellos asked.

"You're the only one who could be the reason for her disappearance."

"Maybe she went away with her boyfriend." Xellos suggested.

"He's been at the hut all day," chaos said cooly.

"And Taiki would let her students know if she was not going to be able to teach her classes."

Xellos shrugged.

Albedo leaned against the wall, waiting for the fighting to start.

"We know you had something to do with this."

"So what if I did take part in her disappearance? It's not like I'm doing anything wrong."

Pluto glared at Xellos, taking a step towards him. "You caused her disappearance. You will pay for it."

Albedo looked hopeful that the fight would start soon.

"She wasn't on the list of people who where off-limits."

"I told you to leave everyone alone," chaos warned.

"And I will not stand by and watch as you torment any of my friends." Pluto's voice came out ice-cold, much like her father's would. "If I had my way, you would go back to Elysium."

"Now my Mistress wouldn't be too happy with that."

"I don't care how she feels," chaos said.

Xellos laughed. "My mistress said the god-children were off-limits. I followed her orders."

"Does that mean it's gonna be a one-sided fight?" Albedo asked.

"They attack, I defend."

Pluto continued glaring at Xellos, "And you chose to disregard chaos' warning."

"What warning?"

"To leave my friends alone."

"That was at the desert. Different place, different rules."

Albedo was getting bored.

"chaos, may I send him away?"

"Not yet," chaos said colder than she had ever heard him.

"She'll be found. Don't worry your pretty little head about her." Xellos said calmly.

Pluto looked at chaos, not expecting that degree of coldness from him. From herself, yes, but not him.

"Return her. And leave my friends alone."

"I can't do that. The little game is in motion. The little boyfriends should be at the training grounds soon."

chaos blinked. He had said plural. Which meant Eagle... and Jamie... "I told you to leave them alone!" chaos summoned Ether, preparing to attack.

"I'm not going to hurt them. Just test them."

Albedo perked up. Maybe the fight would start soon.

Pluto let her own powers swirl around her, ready for a fight.

Minako's transformation pen appeared in Xellos' hand and he twirled it between his fingers.

chaos' breath caught in his throat. He knew full well what that was.

Pluto got even angrier as the underworldly aura around her got stronger. "You will die for that, mazoku."

Albedo didn't know what the fuss was about, but figured it would at least make things interesting.

"What? Over this little pen? I found it. No idea who it belongs to."

"Give it back," chaos warned.

"Who does it belong to?"

"You know who."

"I do not. I found it."

"No you didn't."

Xellos shrugged. "I didn't hurt anyone."

Albedo snorted. Not likely.

Pluto glared at Xellos, ready to send some of her power at him. "That is the most blatant lie I have heard from your lips, mazoku."

Xellos tossed Minako's pen into the air, and aimed a blast of power at it.

chaos threw a blast of his own power at Xellos', countering it before it could hit the pen.

Xellos chuckled. "Have I struck some nerves Yeshua?"

chaos ignored Xellos, walking towards the pen to pick it up and recover it.

Xellos watched the group, and chaos closely.

Pluto looked at chaos, desperately wanting to be able to go ahead and attack Xellos now.

chaos' fingers wrapped around the pen, and he let a sigh of relief slip past him as he picked it up.

Pluto looked at chaos again, "Is it safe?"

chaos nodded.

Pluto let out a sigh of relief.

Xellos watched them.

chaos stood back up.

"I should have tried breaking it. That would have been amusing. Though, not as amusing as trying to break the Starlight's."

Pluto could not take it anymore and fired a burst of power off towards Xellos.

Xellos vanished and reappeared on top of the hut. "You missed dear Pluto."

chaos' Ether was leaking off of him.

Pluto glared at Xellos, readying another blast of her power.

Xellos smirked.

Albedo decided that things weren't going to escalate to a fight, so he went back inside.

Pluto looked at chaos.

"Are we done here? I have a game to get to."

"I will not let you play around with anyone else."

"Too late."

chaos glared at Xellos, powering up his Curse spell.

"It's always nice playing with people's doubts and fears." Xellos knew what spell chaos was preparing, and was ready to vanish.

Pluto glared at Xellos, "You will not hurt anyone else."

"Too bad I've already had my fun with Taiki."

chaos let loose his spell.

Xellos vanished.

Pluto closed her eyes, trying to sense where Xellos had gone.

chaos knelt down, casting Quick on himself.

"Right behind you." Xellos whispered into Pluto's ear.

Pluto whirled around, swinging her staff where she heard Xellos' voice.

Xellos appeared a few feet away from the duo. "This is far too amusing."

chaos rose up on Ether wings and let loose his Angel Blow, considerably sped up thanks to his earlier spell.

Xellos barely winced when the attack hit him. He leveled a glare at chaos. "Bastard."

Pluto whispered "Dead Scream", sending another ball of power out towards Xellos.

Xellos vanished from the village, not having the full strength to fight both chaos and Pluto at the moment.

chaos knelt down, panting slightly.

Pluto placed her hand on chaos' shoulder, "Are you all right?"

"I will be."

"How much of your power did you use?"

"Not much... but I've been having problems keeping my energy up."

Pluto sighed, "You can use some of mine if you need it."

"I'll be okay..."

"All right. Let's go back to our hut."

chaos nodded.

Pluto started heading back towards her hut, keeping a careful eye on chaos.

chaos followed behind Pluto at a slower pace.

Pluto held the door to the hut open for chaos, waiting for him to catch up.

"Thanks..." chaos said softly.

"You're welcome."

chaos stumbled slightly, hand against the wall to keep his balance. "Here," he said, handing her the pen.

Pluto took the pen, closing the door behind chaos so she could put an arm around him. "Do you need help?"


"Lean on me..."

chaos nodded and did so.

Pluto slowly helped chaos to his room, carefully supporting him.

When they reached his room, chaos almost immediately collapsed on his bed.

Pluto helped chaos into bed, sitting down next to him. "Do you want me to stay with you?"

chaos shook his head. "Give the pen back to its rightful owner."

"I will once you are resting."

chaos' body was already relaxing itself. He doubted he could've moved if he'd wanted to. "I'm fine... go."

Pluto opened her mouth to protest, but thought better of it. "I will be back shortly."

chaos nodded, closing his eyes.

noelle, xellos, chaos, sailor pluto, albedo

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