TD Log - A Talk About Ribbons

Jun 30, 2010 19:44

Who: Neil and Tieria
When: before the earthquakes
Where: around the village then Tieria's hut
Rating: G?
Warnings: none
Summary: Neil and Tieria talk about what happened with Ribbons.

Tieria was walking back to his hut from the food store. He had his head down, making it hard to see his face, and he seemed to be having a little trouble holding the bags he was carrying, though he was still making a valiant effort to avoid being noticed or asking for help.

Too bad that was rather difficult with Neil also wandering around. He knew Tieria quite well. Seeing that he was having difficulties with the bags, Neil headed over to him. The fact that he had his head down had Neil worried. What had happened?

"Hey, Tieria... Do you need any help?"

Tieria froze. Without Lyle on the island, he didn't need to take the extra effort into figuring out which one it was by voice. He really didn't want Neil to see he'd gotten into trouble again. He shook his head without looking up.

"I'll be fine," he said. He was fairly sure he'd make it back to his hut fine.

Neil sighed. "Tieria, what's wrong?" The fact that he was still keeping his head down was bothering Neil. "Tell me what happened."

The shorter Meister's shoulders sagged a little. "I just need some time..." he said softly. He pulled back, hoping to move around Neil.

Neil wasn't the type to just let his teammate just avoid telling him something when there was clearly something wrong. Neil stepped a bit closer. "Tieria, I can tell something is wrong. Maybe talking can help."

His right hand clenched a little on the bag he was holding. "I don't know," he said. "It's complicated."

"Well, start with the basics," Neil remarked. "What happened?" He reached to take the bag from Tieria and help him carry it.

"Ribbons confronted Anew about what happened at the hangar," he said. He moved to stop Neil from taking the bag from him, but flinched, wincing as it tweaked at the knife wound on his left forearm.

"Oh... I see..." Neil knew something about that since he had actually seen it. He frowned when Tieria winced. That wasn't good. "What happened?"

"He hit her." Tieria pulled his arm back, letting Neil take the bag.

Neil frowned again. That was one thing he disliked: men hitting women. More than that... or probably about equal, he hated Ribbons. He took the bag from Tieria. "And how did you get injured."

Tieria frowned. "I intervened. He became the agressor, and therefore needed to be stopped." If there was something to be said about Tieria, it was that he certainly held on to Celestial Being's ideals.

"Well, that's good of you. That explains how you got injured." He started leading the way back to Tieria's hut. He wanted to check and make sure that Tieria had taken care of his injuries. "And the thing that is bothering you?"

He hesitated, but then followed him. "It's what I found out... about Anew," he said. He wasn't sure if he wanted to tell Neil. He opened the door to the hut and stepped inside, holding it open so Neil could follow.

Neil bit his lip a moment. "You mean about the fact that she was there when Ribbons was trying to take your Gundam?" He had been worried about how Tieria would react knowing that Anew had been involved in that in some way or another. He walked slowly so he could talk to Tieria.

Tieria finally looked up at Neil now, a little surprised. If he hadn't noticed it before, he'd see that Tieria was pretty bruised up, too. He'd clearly taken a few hits to the face. "You knew?"

Neil glanced over at Tieria and noticed the bruises and frowned again. "Yes. I knew she was there. She was standing in the hangar when I came into help stop Ribbons."

He withdrew a little at the frown, then quickly took the bag, pushing past the protest in his arm again, and headed into the kitchen. "According to Ribbons, she was supposed to prevent anyone from stopping him..." he said quietly.

Neil sighed, following Tieria to the door of the kitchen to make sure that he was alright. "She didn't stop anyone," he remarked. "She didn't stop Hallelujah from coming and she didn't stop me or Jr."

"She didn't stop Ribbons," Tieria said. "She was originally there to help him, and he wasn't controllling her this time.'

Neil sighed. "Originally. She didn't help him in the end. Tieria, don't blame her. He may not have been physically controlling her, but even without that she has difficulty not doing what he says."

He stood at the counter, staring down into the bag after putting it there in front of him. "I just need some time..." he said quietly. It was still hard for him to think about some things without Veda. It was times like these that he would isolate himself from the others for a while, but Neil didn't know that. For Neil, Tieria would go to Veda. He rubbed his forehead.

Neil walked over and put his hand on Tieria's shoulder gently. "I understand. Just keep in mind, both of you may be Innovators, but she has the memories and has had to listen to him for most of her life." He'd learned way too much about that after being on the island.

He sighed a little. "I know," he said. It was one of the reasons he hadn't done anything further after the last fight. He rubbed his arm a little, as it was still sore. He'd done the best he could on cleaning and bandaging it himself afterwards.

Neil glanced down at Tieria rubbing his arm. "Did you have someone look at it?"

He shook his head.

"Let me look at it then before I go." He didn't particularly want to go, but if Tieria needed time to think alone then he had to let him have that time.

Tieria just nodded a little. Part of him didn't want Neil to leave, either. He just didn't know what to do...

"Shall we go to your room or the bathroom so I can look at it?" The fact that he hadn't gone to anyone else said that he didn't people to know about it, so he figured suggesting going someplace where roommates passing by wouldn't see.

He nodded again. He turned and headed towards the bathroom. The first aid kit was there.

Neil followed after him. Yes, the first aid kit was probably a better option to have.

Tieria pulled it from the cabinet. "There's probably better light and space in my room," he said, his voice still quiet.

"Probably," Neil said, taking the kit from Tieria. "Let's go to your room then and I'll take a look at them."

He nodded a little and followed him into the bedroom. He closed the door behind them and sat down on the bed. Then he rolled up the left sleeve of his shirt so Neil could look at the knife wound.

Neil walked over and sat down next to Tieria. He gently took Tieria's arm so he could look at the injury that he had received. He was careful to make sure that he did not cause Tieria pain.

He had it bandaged over already, having attempted to tend to it himself. He hadn't done badly, considering it was on the side of his forearm that was harder to see himself. He flinched a few times during the recleaning process.

Neil examined then cleaned and rebandaged his arm. "It doesn't look too bad," he said. "Not too deep." He was glad about that... since he didn't want his teammate to be badly injured.

Tieria nodded a little, favoring the arm a little now in response to the ache from Neil's tending. "Thank you."

Neil nodded. "You're welcome." He cleaned everything up first then turned back to Tieria. "Do you want me to stay you?"

"You don't have to..." he said, giving Neil the chance to back out. He didn't want to seem needy.

"I know I don't have to, but if you want me to stay, I have no problem with staying."

Tieria nodded. "Thank you..." He never thought he'd be the one that would seek company during times like this, but Neil's presence was comforting to him.

"You hungry?" Neil asked. Even though he was staying, he wanted to give Tieria some space so he could think. "I can make something."

"Mn... okay." He hesitated a little, but that didn't sound like a bad idea. He nodded slightly.

"Any preference?" Neil asked. He wasn't sure if Tieria would hae a preference, but he figured he should check first.

"Nothing heavy," Tieria said softly.

Neil nodded and headed out to the kitchen to make something. That pretty much left out most anything Irish.

Tieria had a light appetite anyway, so heavy food was something he tended to avoid. Sorry, Neil. He fingered the fresh bandage on his arm for a moment and then rolled the sleeve of his shirt back down to cover it again. He yawned, feeling more tired than usual because of everything.

Not that Neil minded. Once in the kitchen he started something that was realitively light, having to search for ingredients since this wasn't his hut. Once he had everything cooking, he went back to the bedroom to check and see if Tieria was alright.

Tieria had pulled his legs up on the bed, curled up against the wall. His eyes were closed, and he probably looked like he was asleep, but he wasn't. The sound of Neil's footsteps woke him up. He opened his eyes a little and looked over.

"I was checking to see how you were doing," Neil said. He hadn't meant to wake Tieria up, just check if he was alright. "The food is cooking for the moment."

He nodded a little. "She said her loyalties are with us..." he said softly.

Neil nodded. "That's good then. I think the fact that she said that is a good sign." It showed she had finally decided. The hard part was going to be keeping her from being influenced by Ribbons again.

"She told Ribbons she didn't want to be a part of his team anymore," he said.

Neil nodded. "That's good too... Probably not the brightest thing with what Ribbons tends to do to people he doesn't like."

"No," Tieria agreed, "but that just means we'll need to protect her."

Neil nodded. "Or get someone to teach her how to protect herself."

Tieria nodded at that as well. Of course, he might not be the best choice for that, considering his own condition at the moment. His ribs ached, his head hurt, he was bruised and cut... He hadn't come out of either fight in the best of shape.

"Well, I'll finish cooking. You rest then we can talk more if you wish." He could tell that Tieria had taken quite a beating.

"Alright," he said, not moving right away.

Neil left for the moment to check on the food. Hopefully it shouldn't be too much longer before it was done.

After some moments, Tieria shifted carefully and got up off the bed. He walked into the kitchen.

Neil had just finished plating up the meal, which was a rather simple dish made with rice, egg, and some vegetables. He looked over as Tieria was walking in. "Perfect timing."

"Mn." He nodded. "Thank you." He took a seat at the table.

Neil placed a plate on the table for Tieria, then put one down for himself. Before sitting down, he went and got two glasses of ice water. He gave one to Tieria then sat down at his chair with his glass.

Tieria gave Neil a weak smile in thanks.

Neil smiled back and started eating.

lockon neil, tieria

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