RP Log - Hello there, I'm your new hutmate

Apr 14, 2010 11:20

Who: Zelas, Ashura
When: Shortly after hut change
Where: Hut 5
Rating: PG
Warnings: Bored Zelas
Notes: N/A
Summary: Zelas is bored and decides to track one of her hutmates around for a few minutes. Too bad he's not all that amusing.

Zelas sauntered into the hut as if she owned the place, the bracelets on her wrists clinking against each other with her movements. This hut was not so bad for her, and since the residents supplied her with enough bad emotions, it was worth staying in for a while. Perhaps she might not get ill like she had with some other huts.

Ashura was home, for once not late at night after his explorations of the island and sparring with Alberich. He was dressed simply (which by most standards was still highly complex with his knots and different jewels). He sat on the couch, sipping a mug of tea that smelled of spices and cinnamon, golden eyes flicking to Zelas as the only form of acknowledgment of her presence as he turned the page of a book in his lap.

Zelas smirked at seeing the man sitting on the couch, ignoring the spices that threatened to overwhelm the more animal-like senses that she had. She leaned against one of the walls, wearing a deceptively simple white dress that showed her tanned skin to perfection. "You are one of those sharing this little hut?"

"For now, it seems," he offered her a polite reply. If she was attempting to seduce him, though, she'd have a hard time of it. Ashura had no interest in women, not in that way. "I assume you are a resident as well," he sipped.

"I am." Zelas wasn't interested in seducing anyone at this point, although if she got wind of a skirt-chaser, she may just to mess with that person's head. For the moment, she was content to just feed off the chaos that others were creating. "Some call me Juuou, others Zelas."

"Ah, so you are the bar owner," Ashura mused, finally turning to look at her. His eyes swept over her, absorbing the details of her without making it sexual. "Nice to meet you. I'm Ashura."

Zelas took a theatrical bow as her occupation was mentioned, giving a small show at the opportunity. "That I am. It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Ashura."

He inclined his head slightly, then turned back to his tea and book, effectively dismissing her. It wasn't that he was being rude, it was... well, she didn't feel good to him. It was like staring into a dark forest and feeling queasy. Yes, like that. He pushed those feelings down though, remaining calm and serene.

Perhaps an abyss would be a better metaphor than a dark forest, but that was neither here nor there. Zelas was not going to be dismissed quite so easily, just standing there and watching as Ashura went back to his book. She could tell that he was certainly no ordinary human, but would wait for now.

He could feel her watching, and if he had been a lesser man he might have felt like he was a mouse and Zelas the eagle. As it was, it more akin to one wolf ignoring the glares of another. The silence was broken only by his quiet sips and the flipping of his book.

Zelas was more like a wolf, and she could wait as long as she chose to. It was far easier to wait from the astral plane, so she eased on how much power she was using to just phase there for a few minutes, seemingly disappearing. She was there in the hut still, but only her presence might be felt.

It was a good thing his back was slightly to her. But even then he would not have panicked. Panic was the enemy of any battle. He finished his tea and frowned, rising and heading for the kitchen to refill the mug, jangling softly in a music all his own.

Zelas waited until Ashura was out of the room to reappear, a subtle smirk on her face as she walked over to the easy chair and sat down in that. She crossed her legs, patiently waiting for him to return simply for any sign of a reaction.

He paused in the door way, looking at her a moment, then simply walked back to the couch and resumed his pattern of flipping a page and sipping. It took more than that to bait Ashura. Please, a child at court had better methods.

Zelas may be acting a bit like a child, but it was part of her game. She enjoyed trying to get a reaction out of people, it was in her very nature. Well, that and utter chaos, but who could blame her?

Ashura was used to such games. It was like a sort of contest to see who would break first under political, emotional, and mental stress. Thankfully, Ashura usually won these contests, as was proper. He flipped a page and sipped again. "If you're waiting for something, you won't get it."

"I can wait a long time." Which was the truth, given that her kind were nearly-immortal. Not quite immortal, but as near as any could be in her world. "I do not rush things like some of my brethren do."

Ashura shrugged. If she wished to sit there, so be it. It was her right, and while slightly disconcerting to have someone watching him drink tea and read a book, he could put up with it. Horray for court training, where every little move was scrutinized and all eyes were on you - obviously and subtly.

Zelas didn't care if all he wanted to do was sit there, drinking tea and reading a book. She could still study him that way, as well as probe his emotions just to get some sort of read on what type he was. At least so far, she established that Ashura was not the type who could make her ill.

Well, that was a relief - perhaps. As it was his emotions, for the moment, were centered on his book - curios at the intrigue in the pages and slight irritation with one of the characters. Nothing for her to really glean.

The curiosity she didn't care about, that was neither something to make her sick or provide substance. Curiosity merely resulted in one of the two extremes. The irritation was a bit more to her liking, but not nearly enough to sustain her. This one was likely to be boring, although just watching may prove a little entertaining if there was nothing else to do.

He finished the chapter, stuck a bookmark in it, and rose, heading for the kitchen. Putting up his cup, he then tucked the book in his arm and headed for his bedroom, giving Zelas the same regard he might give someone's pet rabbit in its cage.

Zelas waited until Ashura was out of earshot to chuckle, getting some twisted amusement out of the fact that he treated her with little-to-no regard. So this one thought that he could rise above the games? She would see about that later, this encounter giving her some insight into that particular hutmate.

zelas, ashura-ou (tsr)

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