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Jan 24, 2010 13:34

Who: Pluto, Neil, Minako
When: Few days after Pluto got sick
Where: Hut 1
Rating: G
Warnings: None that I see
Notes: none
Summary: It's actually a good day for Pluto even though she's sick!

Pluto slowly opened her eyes, nice and comfortable in her bed. She did feel a little better now, enough to sit up in bed and want to go do something around the hut, even if she wasn't quite ready for it.

Neil was out in the living room, having done some cooking for Pluto. He decided that he should go check on her and see if she needed anything. He left the bag that held what he was going to give her out in the living room for the moment. Seeing her sitting up, he smiled. "Hey. How are you feeling?"

Pluto smiled at seeing Neil, brushing some of her hair out of her face. "I'm feeling a little better. Can I please get up, even if it's just for a few minutes?"

Neil thought a moment. Well, she had been laying bed a lot recently... it was probably good that she got up and moved around at least a little. "Alright, for a few minutes and don't push yourself."

"Thank you!" She beamed, being and taking it slow as she got out of bed. Her first intent was to walk over to Neil, giving him a hug as thanks for letting her move around for a bit.

Neil hugged her back and kissed her on the forehead. "Just don't push yourself. If you need to sit, sit."

"I know, dear." Pluto closed her eyes at feeling Neil's lips on her forehead, just glad to be standing up and by him.

Neil smiled and guided Pluto to the living room slowly. "Can I get you anything, love?"

Pluto shook her head, accepting Neil's help for now so she could walk out to the living room and sit down on the couch. "There's nothing I can think of, unless you want to insist on something."

Minako hummed to herself as she walked over to Pluto's. Word was getting around now as to who was getting sick from this bug. It was more and more people, yet, but soon that would level out and then people would start getting better. In the meantime, however, she decided to go check on Pluto.

"I don't mind if you need something," Neil remarked, helping her over to the couch to sit down.

Pluto smiled, shaking her head as Neil helped her. "I feel better just being up. Of course, having you here helps."

Minako stepped up to the door and knocked lightly.

Neil nodded. He looked at the door at the knock and after making sure that Pluto was alright, he headed over to the door and opened it. He was mildly surprised seeing Minako but he smiled. "Hello."

"Hi!" she said brightly.

"Hello," Neil said. "Would you like to come in?"

"Oh, yes!" she answered.  "I wanted to see how everyone was doing."

Pluto smiled at Minako, glad to see her there as long as she didn't try to make anything. "Hello, Minako. Are you staying well?"

"Trying," she said.  "So many people are sick now, though!"  She sighed.  "I guess that's what can be expected in such a small area, though."

Neil waited until Minako was inside then shut the door behind her. "Would you like something to drink?" he asked.

"Oh... I can make tea, if you'd like!" she offered.  "I wanted to make sure Pluto was okay and see if I could help with anything."  She smiled brightly at the two of them.

"I'd rather Neil made tea, but that does sound like it could be a good idea." Pluto did not want the younger Senshi anywhere near the kitchen, out of concern for everyone's safety. "Neil, could you since you offered? I know you won't let me make it."

Neil nodded. "Of course." He headed to the kitchen to make the tea.

Minako pouted in response.  "But... I can help!" she insisted, following Neil.

Pluto sighed, shaking her head as she watched the two of them head to the kitchen. She was going to be good, she was going to stay on the couch for now...

Neil blinked. "It's alright. I can take care of it. Why don't you keep Pluto company?"

Minako sighed, giving Neil a major pout.  She turned around and went back into the living room, flopping on the couch near Pluto. "No fair."

Pluto chuckled, relaxing into the couch. "Life is not fair. You should know that by now."

Good thing Neil was fairly immune to that. He turned back to making the tea. Only a few minutes later, he came out with three cups of tea.

"That doesn't mean I have to like it," she whined a little.  She sat up once Neil returned, taking the tea with a small smile.  "Thank you," she said.  No need to be rude...

Pluto took her own cup of tea, giving Neil a small smile as well. He had perfect timing. "Thank you, dear."

Neil smiled. "No problem," he replied, taking his own cup of tea and sitting down in one of the chairs.

Minako smiled.  "So, are you starting to get better?" she asked Pluto.  "I mean, you're out here instead of in bed, I can only assume you must be feeling a little better, right?"

"I am. Neil's just making sure that I don't try to do too much at once and only end up sicker than I was in the first place." Pluto sipped her tea, relaxing more as she felt the warmth soothe her throat.

Neil nodded. "Can't have her pushing herself. I don't want her to get sicker again."

"You definitely can't do too much too fast!" Minako agreed.  "That's why I came over. I wanted to help."

Really, she was going to be fine! There was no way Neil was going to just let her do too much, he rarely left the hut unless there was a pressing reason to. She sighed, nodding. "I know. I get told that at least once every day."

Neil chuckled. "Of course. I do tend to tell you that."

Minako huffed a little.  "So... you don't need me then...?" she asked quietly.

“Need? No...but I do appreciate seeing a face that isn't a certain Irishman's at least once a day." Pluto smiled faintly, trying to admit somehow that she wasn't going to just leave everyone behind because she was seeing someone. "Or his twin's, for that matter."

At this, she giggled.  "Well, isn't that almost like seeing the same person?" she teased.

Neil laughed. "Not quite... but very similar. Of course Lyle is seeing Anew."

"Lyle has a different look in his eyes. He's more serious, and usually has heavier thoughts." Pluto chuckled at Neil, "Plus Neil has his hair just a little longer."

Minako just smiled.  "I was teasing," she said.  "Now that I know them better, it is easier to tell them apart."

Neil smiled. "Yeah... once you get to know us, you can tell the differences between us. Our mutual friends had trouble with that for a while."

"I suppose I have an unfair advantage in that." Pluto sighed, her eyes showing slight sadness at the change in her thoughts. "Lyle was just a little surprised when I could tell the two of them apart at first glance."

"Still," Minako said, leaning forward towards Neil, "that must have been fun at times.  Did you ever switch spots to trick people?"

Neil nodded. "When we were kids. We'd wear each others clothes, and pretend that we were the other person. Didn't work on our parents for obvious reasons. Worked for a while on our friends and teachers."

Minako giggled. "Can't really get away with that anymore, though, huh?"

Pluto shook her head, looking down into her tea. "I doubt that they can anymore. But there are other things that they can do."

Neil nodded. "We can't get away with that here. We do tend to do other crazy things here... like a snowball fight when it started snowing."

"Oh?!"  Minako blinked and then smiled.  "And here I missed it!"

"We'll be sure to let you know the next time," Neil said with a small grin.

"I'd like to know as well, so I can make sure there is plenty of hot chocolate and towels ready for when the fight ends." Always on the more practical side of things, and it was something that someone had to do. It might as well be her.

"I hope everyone's better before the snow disappears, then," Minako said.  "It's no fun if everyone's sick and no one can join in."

Neil nodded. "I hope so as well." Neil rather liked the fact that Pluto was the more rational one... since he obviously wasn't.

"I'm sure the snow will last at least until everyone feels better again. I hope it goes away before Valentine's Day if the island decides to host another formal event for it."

"Yeah, that could make it hard to get to the party," Minako agreed.

Neil nodded. "Not very good for formal attire trudging through snow."

Pluto nodded, sneezing in proof that she was still at least a little sick. It couldn't be helped, really, at least Neil was making sure that she was taking care of herself.

"Are you sure you don't need me to do anything?" Minako asked when Pluto sneezed.

Neil waited to let Pluto answer.

"Not unless Neil thinks of something that I should have."

"I can't think of anything," Neil remarked.

Minako nodded a little, putting down her empty tea cup.  "I guess I'll go then." She smiled a bit.  "It's good he's here to care for you," she then teased.

Pluto blushed a little at the teasing, still not used to it even after nearly a year of being with Neil. "It is...you take care of yourself. No one else needs to get sick."

Neil chuckled. "It was nice seeing you. Take care."

"Bye~!" Minako giggled, giving Neil a little wink before heading off back to her own hut.

Pluto smiled faintly as she watched Minako go, almost a little sad to see her leave. It had been nice to see someone other than her new 'family' of sorts, especially when it was one of her sisters-in-arms who had come over. She wasn't threatened at all by Minako winking at her boyfriend, it was something she had learned to expect from the Senshi of Love.

Neil smiled. "Well, I have something for you Pluto," he said getting up and going over to the table where he had left the bag.

Pluto looked up, watching Neil as he walked over to the table. "You got me something? Why?"

"Because you've been feeling bad and I thought it might help you feel better." He picked up the gift bag and brought it over to her.

Pluto carefully took the bag, reaching inside and pushing the tissue paper away from whatever Neil had stuck in the bag. She couldn't deny that she was curious to see what he had got her.

Inside was a plush cat toy. It was kind of fluffy and definitely looked adorable. Neil smiled. "What do you think?"

Pluto smiled, taking the plush cat out of the bag and holding it close to her. "Thank you, dear. It's very cute."

Neil smiled. "I'm glad you like it. I thought you'd like something to be able to cuddle."

"Since you haven't been sleeping in my bed ever since I got sick...not that I could blame you for that." She blushed a little, it would be nice to cuddle something at night to help her sleep. "I don't want you to get sick."

Neil nodded. "It's okay. You need your rest."

"Still, thank you." The Guardian's face was lit up as she cuddled with the plush cat already, feeling a little better for now.

Neil smiled. "Do you need anything else love?"

"I don't think so. I just don't want to have to go back to sleep yet, since I feel like that's all I've been doing."

Neil nodded. "Well, we can relax out here together."

Pluto nodded a little, that sounded good to her. If she ended up falling asleep, at least it would be a good place to fall asleep.

Neil smiled, leaning down and kissing her on the forehead then went and sat back down.

lockon neil, sailor pluto, sailor venus minako, [flu season], *event

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